Managed metadata enables enhanced search and navigation, creating terms that become document attributes and let users progressively refine search parameters.
metadata_spo_item_weburiEdm.String项的 URI。 metadata_spo_item_pathEdm.String父路径和项名称的组合。 SharePoint Online 索引器还支持每种文档类型特定的元数据。 有关详细信息,可查看Azure AI 搜索中使用的内容元数据属性。 备注 若要为自定义元数据编制索引,必须在数据源的查询参数中指定“additionalColumns”...
Managed Metadata ServiceManaged Metadata Service 应用程序有一个数据库。 数据库的大小受系统中所用内容类型和关键字的数量影响。 许多环境将包括 Managed Metadata Service 应用程序的多个实例。 Secure Store ServiceSecure Store 服务应用程序数据库的大小由存储中凭据的数量和审核表中条目的数量决定。 建议为每 1,...
Complex Choice, Lookup, Person or Group, Task Outcome, External Data, Managed Metadata Number Number, Currency, ID Text Single line of text, Multiple lines of text, CalculatedNote SharePoint types that map to Power Apps as complex often have subfields that map to basic types such as text and...
Complex Choice, Lookup, Person or Group, Task Outcome, External Data, Managed Metadata Number Number, Currency, ID Text Single line of text, Multiple lines of text, CalculatedNote SharePoint types that map to Power Apps as complex often have subfields that map to basic types such as text and...
This cmdlet updates the properties of a managed property. It is typically used to change the name or description of a managed property. SPEnterpriseSearchMetadataManagedProperty represents a managed property in the enterprise search metadata property schema. ...
以下cmdlet 引用适用于 SharePoint Online。Microsoft。Online.SharePoint.PowerShell展开表 Add-SPOContentSecurityPolicy Adds a source to the Content Security Policy configuration. Add-SPOGeoAdministrator Adds a new SharePoint user or security group as GeoAdministrator to a multi-geo tenant. Add-SPO...
Metadata, site navigation, and publishing site features Site branding Site provisioning UX components Customizing the "modern" experiences in SharePoint Online OneDrive and SharePoint Online Multi-Geo Building classic publishing portals for SharePoint Online Composite business add-ins ECM solutions Localizati...
Those that share data across site collections or web applications (such as the Web Analytics or Managed Metadata service applications in SPS 2010) Those that provide specialized calculations or analytics services (such as Web Analytics, Excel Services, or PerformancePoint Services) Those that aggregate...
Error when view or edit in Word or PowerPoint Online Excel survey doesn't have full functionality File post-processing takes up to 24 hours Filtering doesn't work for Managed Metadata in SharePoint Information about dragging files...