APortal是上海水杉网络科技有限公司基于SharePoint平台研发的工作流平台。APortal帮助企业在基于Office 365部署的SharePoint Online站点或企业内部SharePoint服务器上快速搭建工作流平台。基于APortal,可以快速实施企业内部常见的业务系统。
The workflow will then examine the request type and in the case of an approved travel request (such as to attend a technical conference), the workflow will create a sub-site for the user to fill out a trip report and upload slides. I’m going to ad...
A lot of activities, actions, and conditions are available in Designer. We can create rules that associate conditions and actions with items in SharePoint List and Libraries. We can use the workflow for the business process and approval process. Below are the workflow start options for SharePoin...
Approval(route a document or item for approval or rejection). An Approval workflow routes a document or other item to designated people for their approval or rejection. You can also use an Approval workflow to control content approval in a list or library. Collect Feedback(route a document or...
To add or start a workflow, you must have the correct permission for the list, library, or site collection where the workflow runs: To add a workflowBy default, you must have the Manage Lists permission toadda workflow. (The Owners group has the Manage Lists permission by...
To add or start a workflow, you must have the correct permission for the list, library, or site collection where the workflow runs: To add a workflowBy default, you must have the Manage Lists permission toadda workflow. (The Owners group has the Manage Lists permission by default; the Mem...
Adobe Sign Workflow Actions for SharePoint Online allows SharePoint workflow administrators to add Adobe Sign actions into SharePoint Workflows through SharePoint workflow designer. The solution is available for Microsoft SharePoint Online instances as a plugin. It enables users to create a list ...
It will open the default flow action steps for sending approval mail when an item is added to SharePoint List. The step ‘When a new item is created’ will have Site URL and List name which will be set to the SharePoint Online site and the List where the items are added. ‘...
currentItem["ContentTypeId"] = workflowProperties.List.ContentTypes["Request"].Id; currentItem.Update(); } 输入请求时,会在创建项目时由工作流选择该请求。将列表设置为允许用户输入内容类型为仅"初始请求"的请求时,工作流现在可将该项目的内容类型更改为"请求"。将该项目更改为"请求"类型,会使"请求...
the Save as Template command can be used to create a WSP file containing a reusable workflow which can be moved to another SharePoint server or to Visual Studio 2010. In SharePoint Designer, this means you don’t have access to the list fields to access data since no specific list structu...