You receive a "<FileName> is locked for editing by 'another user'" message when you try to modify a document in Windows SharePoint Services even though you are the user...
用户A打开在SharePoint上的word文档, 编辑, 可以保存. 同时, 用户B打开同样的文档, 看不到别人在修改, 编辑后点保存, 报错"XXX is locked for editing by YYY". 研究了下, 发现我们的文档后缀是docm, 即带有宏的文档. 而coauthoring必须是docx格式的才可以. 鉴于文档协作前期主要是大家共同丰富内容, 所以解决...
The file is currently checked out or locked for editing by another user in SharePoint About the Problem Hello geeks, sometimes it becomes a little tricky to delete a folder in the SharePoint library. In this particular article, we’re going to see such a scenario in which a user ...
When a user tries to save a document after editing, an \"Upload Failed\" error message gets triggered - \"This file is checked out by another user\" - the error message also shows a user ID that essentially is the user that is trying to save the file back to Sharepoint. It seems ...
It is not asking him to save it locally to his machine, it appears to just be saving it to a temp file?If he then goes through the same process, clicking on the doc link, it opens in the browser, not displaying his changes, but then he selects "Open in Word" and sees the ...
The fix was to add a Wait for Change in Document Check-Out Status Action to the workflow. This Action should be the first item executed in the workflow. The item is currently locked for editing Why does this happen? Assume the workflow is being trigger...
SharePoint 2013 : We're having a problem opening this location in File Explorer. Add this web site to your Trusted Sites list and try again Sharepoint 2013 Alerts are not firing any mails for the Normal Alerts and search Alerts, can someone guide me with the Email configuration for Alerts...
Hi,I currently have a lot of users sharing a small excel file which is currently over OneDrive but im seeing a few minor teething issues with so many people...
§ Group By does not always work correctly for Date/Time columns §“Cannot complete this action” error message when creating a list from an STP file when the “EnableAssignToEmail” was set to true in the original list. § Calendar items beyond 5th of the month are not displayed in Mon...
Pros: Using SharePoint as a collaboration space to store documents which can be access locked to limited users .The files in the SharePoint sites also can be easily accessed in other apps such as power bi by providing the file location Cons: SharePoint lists are not easy to navigate if th...