<# Feature Packs.ps1 Creates a new Feature Pack comprised of SharePoint Foundation 2013 Features Adds the Feature Pack ID with a friendly name to the Farm's Property Bag for future use. #> asnp Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell # Create an alias for Add-SPSiteSubscriptionFeaturePackMember Set...
SharePoint will record dates in it's database as a Date/Time by default, but for Midnight local time for the current date as per your SharePoint site's locale settings, it will convert that into a display friendly date only format on your sharepoint list, so daylight sav...
SPDateTimeFieldFriendlyFormatType enumeration SPDistributionGroupException class SPDistributionGroupJobData class SPDistributionGroupJobType enumeration SPDocTemplate class SPDocTemplateCollection class SPDocumentLibrary class SPDuplicateValuesFoundException class SPEmailEventReceiver class SPEncodedResourceExpressionBuilder...
Hi. I have a SharePoint site where I have a column named Ready. I have managed to create another conditional column which stamps the time and date when you click Ready as yes. The problem I have is that when you edit the record later the timestamp updates to the current time. Does a...
--SPM:</DateOnly>--> <!--SPM:</Format> --> <!--SPM:</RenderFormat>--> <!--SPM:</cc1:CatalogItemReuseWebPart>--> <!--CE:End Catalog-Item Reuse Snippet--> </div> <div> <!--CS: [owstaxIdPageCategory] Start Catalog-Item Reuse Snippet--> <!--SPM:<cc1:CatalogItemReuse...
Changes the friendly name (display name) of a certificate. Rename-SPServer Renames a server that is currently connected to the farm. Renew-SPCertificate Renews a certificate and creates a new certificate signing request. Repair-SPManagedAccountDeployment Repairs the local managed account credentia...
SharePoint Translation has reached general availability for all commercial regions globally. You can easily create a translated copy of a selected file (or a set of files) in a SharePoint document library amongdozens of languages– all while preserving as much of the origina...
If you type a new status value in the dropdown list in the action, your new status is automatically added to the dropdown list for subsequent use. For example, you can add a custom status that is more user-friendly and informative thanCompletedorCanceled, such asExpense Report Approved. ...
SPDateTimeFieldFormatType enumeration SPDateTimeFieldFriendlyFormatType enumeration SPDistributionGroupException class SPDistributionGroupJobData class SPDistributionGroupJobType enumeration SPDocTemplate class SPDocTemplateCollection class SPDocumentLibrary class SPDuplicateValuesFoundException class SPEmailEventReceiver ...
SPDateTimeFieldFormatType enumeration SPDateTimeFieldFriendlyFormatType enumeration SPDistributionGroupException class SPDistributionGroupJobData class SPDistributionGroupJobType enumeration SPDocTemplate class SPDocTemplateCollection class SPDocumentLibrary class SPDuplicateValuesFoundException class SPEmailEventReceiver ...