输入要部署SharePoint的那个account,例如以下图所看到的: 加入Account后,在Server Role页面。选择DB Creator和Security Admin,例如以下图所看到的: 情况2:说明你使用的SharePointConfig DB已经在SQL Server中存在,导致无法连接SQLServer。 解决方式:在Connect to SQL Server页面,又一次输入的Database Name,与之前输入的保...
请访问Troubleshooting SharePoint configuration error: Cannot connect to database master at server_name以查看原文 Comments Anonymous March 22, 2012 不知道博主所说的在配置sql server的时候,如何使用域帐户来运行server服务和agent服务,我的总是显示凭据无效...
Usage and Health Data Collection Service Word Conversion Service 如果要与 SQL Server 进一步集成,则你的环境可能还会包含更多数据库,如以下方案所示。 仅当你使用 SQL Server 2016 RTM 企业版和 SQL Server 2016 SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS),SQL Server Power Pivot for SharePoint 才可用在 SharePoint...
Connect to the computer that runs SQL Server by using an account that has Administrator permissions. In SQL Server Management Studio,Object Explorernavigation pane, expand theSecuritynode, and then expand theLoginsnode. The name of the database access account indicates that it is a SQL login. ...
SQL Server 实例上的Securityadmin固定服务器角色。 要更新的所有数据库上的db_owner固定数据库角色。 运行PowerShell cmdlet 的服务器上的 Administrators 组。 管理员可以使用Add-SPShellAdmincmdlet 授予使用 SharePoint Server cmdlet 的权限。 备注 [!注意] 如果您不具有这些权限,请联系您的安装管理员或...
我本来是想改sharepoint的的URL的,因为URL就是主机名,所以我想改主机名以后是不是就可以自动更改URL了。但是后来发现这个想法是很愚蠢的,也很幼稚。当我更改主机名以后,再去用新的主机名去连接sharepoint站点,出现错误:cannot connect to the configuration database。
ForIPAll, clear the value forTCP dynamic ports. In theTCP Portfield, enter the port that you want the instance of SQL Server to listen on. For example, enter 40000. 若要全局更改命名实例所侦听的端口,请按照以下步骤操作: For each IP address includingIPAll, clear all ...
>Data Source=SPSQLRenamed;Initial Catalog=SharePoint_Config;Integrated Security=True;Persist Security Info=False;Enlist=False;Pooling=True;Min Pool Size=0;Max Pool Size=100;PoolBlockingPeriod=Auto;Asynchronous Processing=False;Connection Reset=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Replication=False;Connect ...
Verify that the database is in SharePoint integrated mode on the Database Setup portion of the Reporting Services Configuration tool. If it is not, you will need to create a new database in integrated mode. Install SP2 or later for SQL Server 2005. Verify that you have successfully run th...
Verify that the database is in SharePoint integrated mode on the Database Setup portion of the Reporting Services Configuration tool. If it is not, you will need to create a new database in integrated mode. Install SP2 or later for SQL Server 2005. Verify that you have successfully run th...