shareit download app就是茄子快传的手机国际版,支持在无网络情况下载传输各类文件以及其它资源的手机软件,app支持多种不同的资料的传输,多格式文档,视频,照片等等,简单又方便,传输速度也很快。 shareit安卓版简介: shareit app是一款全球最快的跨平台传输工具,可以轻松为您实现手机间数据的一键传输,还能能够跨平台使...
Most modern hardware can handle this app just fine. However, older operating systems and devices might struggle.SHAREit for Windows XP, for example, stutters and can’t keep a stable connection. It also works better with Android. This is because later installments of Windows have better built-...
shareit apk free download2024是一款非常实用的传输工具应用软件,它可以让用户在没有网络支持的环境下,轻松地完成各种数据文件的设备间分享。无论是照片、视频、音乐还是文档等各种文件格式,都可以通过SHAREit中文版进行快速且便捷的传输操作。它可以帮助用户保护个人隐私信息,让用户的手机得到更好的保护。在今后的使用...
软件标签:茄子快传shareit文件传输app传输app shareit install apk,即茄子快传的国际版本,该版本依旧拥有着强大的免流量高速文件传输功能,在不远的距离内两部设备能够快速匹配连接传输,隐私保护性好,传输速度快,在信号极差的地方也能够完成文件传输哦!该平台在海外还推出了多项短视频社交功能,看短视频娱乐,自由零流量...
SHAREit app 2022是可以快速传输手机文件的快传APP,让用户随时可以向同事和好友分享自己的文件,软件之中还可以找到许多别的用户分享的视频资源和各种图片壁纸可以在线观看和下载。 shareit apk free download简介 SHAREit,出色的共享应用程序,具有快速的跨平台传输速度和免费的在线订阅源,包括电影、视频、音乐、壁纸、...
shareit lite apk由茄子快传发布于谷歌市场的官方极速版本,更小的体积保留核心功能为你带来更好的多平台文件传输体验,不需要借助外部网络利用手机热点高速传输下载。同时还去除了广告使用更加简洁,感兴趣的小伙伴们快来试试吧! shareit lite app简介 shareit lite apk可以随时和朋友分享手机或电脑上的音乐,照片,视频...
描述 新马简中 SHAREit Lite is fast, no internet needed, conserves data and comes in a small App size! Send and receive files for free, no data needed. Just enjoy no interruptions sharing with your friends! 更多 截图信息更新日期: 2023-12-23 当前版本: 3.6.98 提供者: Apk大小: 0...
Download SHAREit APK for Android, iOS and PC Post author:Tech Xoom Post published:Oct 28, 2019 Post category:Android/iOS/Mac/Windows 10 Post comments:0 Comments SHAREit is the most popular cross-platform file sharing app that allows you to share any and every kind of file with other SHARE...
Download SHAREit APK As of 2017, the latest version of SHAREit app is available to download for Android, Windows, iOS, MacOS and Windows Phone. However, there are minimum required versions of each OS that you must maintain in order to run SHAREit correctly. Please check if you have the ...
. The number of different platforms that this application can send to makes it stand out from the competition, especially since it can be used oniOS. Transfers workAndroid to iPhone, as well as to othersmartphones, tablets, and computers, including those running Windows XP, 7, 8, and 10....