Customers can view large high-resolution images of not only the front cover of a book, but also the back cover, index, table of contents, and a reasonable sample of the inside pages. They can Look Inside the Book before making a buying decision. It’s available on over 200,000 of our...
Sample 1Sample 2 Save Copy Shareholder Consultation. (a)The Shareholdersagree that, before anymeeting of the Board of Directorsat which a Supermajority Matter will be considered, orfollowing thecirculation of any proposed writtenresolution of the Board of Directorsconcerning a Supermajority Matter, the...
and demand resolution or Disputes in accordance with Section 11.8 and comply with orders of courts and awards of arbitrators with respect to, any other claim by any Purchaser Indemnified Party against any Shareholder or by any such Shareholder against any Purchaser Indemnified Party or any Dispute ...
Required SPAC Shareholder Approvals means (a) the approval of the Domestication Proposal and the Governing Document Proposal by a special resolution, being a resolution passed by holders of at least two-thirds of SPAC Shares entitled to vote and that do so vote thereon at the SPAC Shareholders ...