be approved in advance by an ordinary resolution of the shareholders in general meeting, either by a general mandate to the directors of the company to make such repurchases [...] 上市規則規定以聯交所作為主要上市市場之公司之所有股份購回必須事先經 由 股東在股東大會上...
such as principal business activities and latest development of the Company and its subsidiaries (collectively the “Group”). Also, it provides information on corporate governance of the Group as well as the compositions and functions of the board of directors of the Company (the “Board”) and...
Sharesandanunlimitednumberofpreferredshareswithoutparvalue(the“PreferredShares”).The totalnumberofissuedSharescapitaloftheCompanyasoftheLatestPracticableDatewas 172,019,459Shares.PursuanttothespecialresolutionpassedbytheShareholdersonOctober14, 2010,theclassofPreferredShareswasremoved.See“AppendixVIII—Statutoryand...
the basis for a draft resolution of the General [...] 根据大会议事规则第 20 条的规定,提出这一要求时附上了一份解释性备忘 录(附件一),出席上述会议的各国政府代表所通过题为“釜山协议”的建议,这一协议被视为会议报告附件所载大会决议草案(附件二)和一份决...