Umakanth Varottil, The Advent of Shareholder Activism in India,, Umakanth. 2012. The Advent of Shareholder Activism in India, Journal on Governance, 1: 582-628.Varottil, Umakanth. 2012. The Advent of Shareholder Activism in India, Journal on... 相似文献Less Is More: Making Shareholder Activism A Valued Mechanism Of Corporate Governance Institutional investors have increasingly engaged in corporate governance activities, introducing proxy proposals and negotiating with management, with a g... ...
Sarkar, J and S Sarkar (2000): `Large Shareholder Activism in Corporate Governance in Developing Countries: Evidence from India', International Review of Finance, 1, pp 161-94.Sarkar J and Sarker S, „Large Shareholder Activism in Corporate Governance in Developing Countries: Evidence from ...
Presence of media acts as a catalyst to activism. The author cites, as examples a number of wins scored by activists in India and abroad. The challenge before corporate is to deal with activism without compromising the fiduciary duty of ...
SHAREHOLDER activismORGANIZATIONAL performancePANEL analysisDISCLOSUREThe study's main aim is to determine the role of shareholder activism (SHA) in the performance of the firms. The performance of the firms is viewed as operating performance, valuation, and technical efficiency. ...
“Large Shareholder Activism in Corporate Governance in Developing Countries: Evidence from India.” International Review of Finance 1: 161–94. View ArticleSarkar, J., & Sarkar, S. 2000. Large shareholder activism in corporate governance in developing countries: Evidence from India. International ...
shareholder activismlistingindependent directorsAsian Corporate Governance Association on January 19, 2010 presented its white paper on Corporate Governance in India. Shortly before, Ministry of Corporate Afdoi:10.2139/ssrn.2972065Singh, Dr. Vijay Kumar...
However, the activism cases are increasing yearly in an emerging economy like India. We have created a comprehensive shareholder activism index ( sha index ) using multiple activisms and corporate governance factors. To measure firm performance, we have used valuation (Tobin's Q and Market ...
Shareholder Activism at the Dutch East India Company 1622-1625[OL]. de Jongh. Shareholder Activism at the Dutch East India Company 1622-1625[OL].,....