JDK-6970376 : ParNew: shared TaskQueue statisticsType: Enhancement Component: hotspot Sub-Component: gc Affected Version: hs19 Priority: P4 Status: Closed Resolution: Fixed OS: generic CPU: generic Submitted: 2010-07-19 Updated: 2011-04-23 Resolved: 2011-04-23 ...
A producer thread in the processing system may determine whether the queue is full, based on the status field in the record at the tail of the queue. The producer may add a task to the queue in response to determining that the status field in the record at the tail of the queue marks...
service or shared facility labs. When using a shared database, all Daemon clients can see all the tasks and add new tasks to the queue. You can choose to import one of your old Mascot Daemon databases into the new shared database or start with a fresh empty database. ...
A time-shared multitask execution device processes two or more tasks in time-shared manner by using one CPU. A common set of a control register group and a queue selection control part are provided for plural task execution queue for executing plural tasks. Under the control of the control ...
An alternative embodiment includes the ability to stack or queue threads onto a Global Queue to await execution by a free processor. 展开 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 文库来源 其他来源 求助全文 Opportunistic task threading in a shared-memory, m 优质文献 ...
TaskID: タスクの固有の ID を表すlong値。 QueueId: タスクに関連付けられたキュー識別子のノード名を表すlong値。 ActionID: 関連する操作インスタンスの固有の ID を表すlong値。 AssignedUser: ユーザーのプリンシパル ID(GUID)を表すstring値。ログイン名や共通名ではありません。グル...
本文搜集整理了关于python中ProductsNaayaCoreEmailToolSharedSet SharedSet task_done方法/函数的使用示例。 Namespace/Package:ProductsNaayaCoreEmailToolSharedSet Class/Type:SharedSet Method/Function:task_done 导入包:ProductsNaayaCoreEmailToolSharedSet
{ // 模拟后台任务,例如上传数据 DispatchQueue.global(qos: .background).async { // 假设任务需要5秒完成 sleep(5) // 任务完成后结束后台任务 DispatchQueue.main.async { self.endBackgroundTask() } } } func endBackgroundTask() { UIApplication.shared.endBackgroundTask(self.backgroundTaskIdentifier...
有关WWDC13中的后台任务的总法律顾问,请参阅iOS 2019Advances in App Background Execution。但简短的...