Customer service is also an important consideration when choosing a shared web hosting provider. If you have any problems with your website, you’ll want to be able to get help from a knowledgeable customer service representative quickly and easily. Be sure to read reviews and ask around to s...
If you run a web application that relies on a database, you could notice your site running slowly from time to time. There can also be problems with websites freezing up if a server is overloaded. Although fine for bloggers and small websites shared hosting is entry-level web hosting. If...
Shared hosting offers the most cost-effective way to get a site online — as the costs of maintaining a server are split among all users. This style of hosting is best suited for smaller projects, such as the website for a local bakery or a blog that doesn’t require advanced configurati...
What is shared hosting? What kind of web hosting do I need? Do you offer WordPress support? Is email hosting included? Is SSL included? If I already have a domain name, can I transfer it to Doteasy? If I already have a website, can I migrate it to Doteasy?
In some cases, Shared hosting accounts can be punished or throttled for causing problems for other users on the server. This can result in worse performance or possibly a forced upgrade to keep functioning. Remember that a better server environment can improve your site’s performance, but a ...
A risk–free hosting service Most importantly, our hosting service is one hundred percent risk–free. We offer you a 99.9% server uptime guarantee, meaning that your websites will be accessible online regardless of what happens with our web servers. And if you’ve got any problems, our custo...
When you choose shared hosting, you get professional help for your website troubles. Around-the-clock, there are experts ready to answer your questions and fix problems. These skilled people are there to make sure your website runs smoothly. It’s like having a tech wizard by your side, ...
When many websites share one server, this is calledshared hosting. It’s like living in an apartment building where you share things like water and electricity with your neighbors. Sometimes shared hosting can cause problems. Here are ten drawbacks: ...
Likewise, other websites on your shared server could cause problems for your website. Here are the top 5 security and performance risks of using a shared hosting service: 1. Shared Directory Every WordPress website has its own folder that contains its WordPress files, content, and other data...
Canada has some of the most advanced and secure web hosting technology in the world: we employ a variety of strategies such as hard drive, power supply and network redundancy, as well as 24/7 hardware and server monitoring to detect and prevent any problems before they even arise...