在前面的基础上: 迦非喵:CMake从入门到精通(四)同时生成动态库和静态库(shared lib,static lib)继续重构。 这里展示顺序: 1、简单生成静态库: 迦非喵:CMake从入门到精通(二)静态库static library2、简…
Hi, Is there any way to link librte_eal.a to a custom dpdk based shared library, as while compiling the shared library I am getting the following
1.在har下的module.json5中,把"type": “har"修改为"type”: “shared”,添加"deliveryWithInstall...
鸿蒙的deveco studio在创建module时,有一个Shared library,有一个Static Library。这两个类型的library都生成了har文件,如果使用static library。可以直接将har文件复制到使用该库的工程中,添加依赖,就可以联通这个har一起打包安装在手机上,但Shared library har不能这样做,无法连同har一起打包安装在手机上,会提示没有...
An issue was observed linking libbz2_static.a into a shared library. [ 82%] Linking C shared library libclamav.so/usr/bin/ld: /home/micah/.mussels/install/host-static/lib/libbz2_static.a(bzlib.c.o): relocation R_X86_64_PC32 against symbol `stderr@@GLIBC_2.2.5' can not be used...
used in a static library:比如你用到这个库里的函数,这些函数代码(二进制代码)都拷贝到你的代码程序里来了,所以运行时可以直接找到这些函数,所以可以在没有这些库的机器上运行used in a shared dll:当你用到这些库里的函数时,这些函数代码并没有被拷贝到你的程序中
1.Create a C file that contains functions in your library. /* Filename: lib_mylib.c */ #include <stdio.h> voidfun(void) { printf("fun() called from a static library"); } We have created only one file for simplicity. We can also create multiple files in a library. ...
When you use the Convert to Application or Library wizards, you can convert one or more projects to static libraries. You can then convert a static library to a shared library manually
Shared library type: this library is <strong>not</strong> backwards -compatible, can be updated and updates can be uninstalled.
static library 与shared dll 有什么区别 搜索资料 我来答 分享 微信扫一扫 网络繁忙请稍后重试 新浪微博 QQ空间 举报 浏览63 次 本地图片 图片链接 代码 提交回答 匿名 回答自动保存中为你推荐:特别推荐 你为什么在亲密关系中一再“妥协”? 日本什么样的人才能开出租车? 《人世间2》再引泪崩,背后...