Yes, if you delete the original ChatGPT conversation, the shared link will also be deleted. This means that the content will no longer be accessible via the shared link. Please keep in mind that shared links allow viewers to import the conversation into their own chat history, so if you d...
USA products status Stock type Networking & Server version type Home brand name hongli Product name Chatgpt 4o Activation Online Activation Shipping Method Ali Chat Packaging and delivery Selling Units: Single item Single package size: 1X1X1 cm Single gross weight: 0.100 kg Show more Lead...
1. Sharedchat GPT-4网站,不仅可以使用GPT-4模型,GPTs模型也可以用,站长说是致敬Pandora的站点。 3.5和4.0任意切换,如遇上网络拥挤的情况,多刷新几次。 网站网址:https://sharedchat.cn/shared.html 2. Houtar Parnix Houtar Parnix无注册登录,打开即用,默认 GPT-4模型,下方设置里面可以换模型 包括 GPT-3....
Youwill notbe able to share a chat that has an image (eg. DALL-E / GPT-V). What happens if I share my enterprise chat to someone who is currently not within my workspace? The non-author member will be redirected to their ChatGPT landing page without seeing the shared chat. They wil...
1.http://chat-shared2.zhile.io 首推我目前正在用的这款:chat-shared2.zhile.io/ 免费、国内可访问,无需注册,无任何套路!!! 选择一个框进去设置一个密码就能用了 2.文心一言 百度出品的人工智能语言模型,地址:yiyan.baidu.com/ 相信大家早有耳闻,但我还没使用过,应该有快一个多月了一直没给我通过。
GitHub开源项目: github.com/pengzhile/pandora ChatGPT免费共享: chat-shared1.zhile.io chat-shared.zhile.io 第一个打不开试试第二个 第二个打不开看第一个 获取access token路径: chat.openai.com/api/auth/session分享到: 投诉或建议 评论16 最热 最新 请先登录后发表评论 (・ω・) 发布 kiss-彩虹...
今天分享一个免费开源的 ChatGPT 项目,它的表现无论是响应速度还是稳定性都比 ChatGPT Plus 还要优秀,只需要有个 Access Token 或者使用热心网友提供的共享账号 就可以免费在线体验,也可以将项目部署到自己的服务器上面。 这个项目名称叫 pandora,是一位来自中国的开发者开发,项目的描述是潘多拉实现了网页版 ChatGPT...
GUI for ChatGPT API and many LLMs. Supports agents, file-based QA, GPT finetuning and query with web search. All with a neat UI. - ChuanhuChatGPT/modules/shared.py at main · GaiZhenbiao/ChuanhuChatGPT
潘多拉云 + 潘多拉服务器 + 共享聊天 + BackendAPI 代理 + Chat2API = 潘多拉下一个。新的GPT(Gizmo)UI,多合一!Pandora Cloud + Pandora Server + Shared Chat + BackendAPI Proxy + Chat2API = PandoraNext. New GPTs(Gizmo) UI, All in one! - find-xposed-magisk/pan