Nearby sharing in Windows lets you share documents, photos, links to websites, and more with nearby devices by using Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. You can share files between PCs that are running Windows 10 or Windows 11. Notes: If the PC you're sharing from is running the la...
Nearby sharing in Windows lets you share documents, photos, links to websites, and more with nearby devices by using Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. You can share files between PCs that are running Windows 10 or Windows 11. Notes: If the PC you're sharing from is running the latest version of Wi...
4 月 1 日消息,谷歌于今天发布了适用于 Win10、Win11 系统的 Beta 版 Nearby Share 应用。通过这款应用,用户可以快速在安卓手机和 Windows PC 上收发照片、文档等等。将文件从PC发送到Android手机,只需将它们拖放到“附近共享”应用程序中,或右键单击它们并选择“附近共享”选项。如果您同时拥有两台设备,并且...
To send data, you can easily drag and drop or right-click the file to selectSend with Nearby Share. You can share how you want and control who can discover and share with your device, which is private and secure. The transfer is protected by E2E encryption. By sharing files to PC from...
In order to use Nearby Share, you must first download and install the app on a Windows 10 or Windows 11 PC , and configure the device visibility. It is worth noting that the app is compatible with Windows 10 and later, but it does not currently support ARM-based devices. The user has...
Share to a nearby device Nearby sharing lets you share documents, photos, links to websites, and more with nearby devices by using Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. It will work across Windows 10 and Windows 11 devices. For more, see Share things with nearby devices in W...
Share to a nearby device Nearby sharing lets you share documents, photos, links to websites, and more with nearby devices by using Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. It will work across Windows 10 and Windows 11 devices. For more, see Share things with nearby devices in ...
Share files between android and PC via the Windows 10 / 11 built-in nearby-sharing functionality (Project Rome) - nearby-sharing/android
Quick Share是谷歌早在2020年推出的文件传输服务,原名Nearby Share,旨在简化安卓设备之间的文件共享。通过最新的更新,Quick Share现已支持兼容64位Windows 10及以上版本的桌面和笔记本设备,尤其是Windows 11 ARM机制。这一举措使得用户不仅可以在安卓设备之间高效传输文件,还能在新的操作环境下同样畅通无阻。
Za pomocą aplikacji Nearby Share można wysyłać i odbierać zdjęcia, pliki, dokumenty, łącza do stron internetowych do telefonu lub komputera. Funkcja Nearby Share wykorzystuje WiFi lub Bluetooth, więc urządzenia wysyłaj