The fund provides policyholders with an entry to India’s consumer market. The consumer market is projected to reach $4 trillion by 2030, making it the world’s third largest . The Bharat Consumption Fund will be available at an initial unit price of ₹10 during the New Fun...
based test for SARS-CoV-2 IgG using its GSP/DELFIA platform, enabling the processing of up to 5,000 samples per day. The DBS assay runs on PerkinElmer's GSP analyzer and, combined with the universal TRF (time-resolved fluorescence) of the DELFIA platform, screens more than 30% of all ...
Production of ElpS-3Flag and mGFP-GspL in rich (RM), poor (PM) and minimal (MM) media.Sophie Le BlastierAurore HamelsMatthew CabeenLionel SchilleFrançoise TilquinMarc DieuMartine RaesJeanYves Matroule
CD40-CD40L ligation augments IL-12 production in GSPL immunotherapy.Subir, KarmakarSiddhartha, Kumar BhaumikJoydeep, PaulTripti, De
Binding modes of a Gsp homologue.doi:10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0056788.G002O. KochD. CappelMonika NockerTimo JgerL. FlohéC. SotrifferP. SelzerPLOS ONE
GSP increased the cytotoxicity of paclitael and adrimycin in A2780 and A2780/T cells.Boxin, ZhaoYabin, SunShengQi, WangLian, DuanQilu, HuoFei, RenGuofeng, Li
Effects of GSPB2 on body weight, FBG, AGEs, TG and TC in db/db mice.Fei, YuBaoying, LiXiaoLi, LiQian, CaiZhen, ZhangMei, ChengMei, YinJunfu, WangJianHua, ZhangWeida, Lu
HPLC profile, methylation analysis result and 1D NMR spectrums of GSP-2.XiaoQiang, HanGarLee, YueRuiQi, YueCaiXia, DongChungLap, ChanChunHay, KoWingShing, CheungKeWang, LuoHui, DaiChunKwok, Wong
1H NMR and 13C NMR-chemical shifts of GSP-2 a,b.Han, XiaoQiangYue, GarLeeYue, RuiQiDong, CaiXiaChan, ChungLapKo, ChunHayCheung, WingShingLuo, KeWangDai, HuiWong, ChunKwok