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If you haven’t staircase to 100% ownership, your provider will usually have a set period of time (approx. eight weeks) to market your home first and, if they find a buyer, they will go through a similar process to the one you went through when you bought the home. If your provider...
Globally, society is moving towards shared ownership of goods and services. Changing Habits for Urban Mobility Solutions (CHUMS) is the initiative helping the carpooling industry to develop the sharing… read more Figures reveal the UK has a pothole every 8 miles on it’s roads Lex Barber - ...
In 1976 Jensen and Meckling (1976) published a widely-cited paper in Journal of Financial Economics (“Theory of the Firm: Managerial Behavior, Agency Costs and Ownership Structure”). As a result of all this, the Guangxi boatmen and their hired whippers gained posthumous fame. However, this...
Discover how the government-backed Shared Ownership scheme works. Could this be your pathway to homeownership?
Learn about the costs associated with the government-backed Shared Ownership scheme and discover if this is your pathway to homeownership.