Agriculture is a basic sector with a majorshare intheeconomyofMoldova:15%oftheGDP,whilst if taken with the raw agricultural products processingindustrycontributes with over 30% of the [...] 农业也是一项在摩尔多瓦经济中占主要份额的基础产业:占GDP 的15%,...
BEIJING, Jan. 20 (Xinhua) -- China's service sector accounted for 51.6 percent of the country'sGDPin 2016, up 1.4 percentage points from the previous year, the National Bureau of Statistics data showed Friday. The ratio of service sector exceeded 50 percent for the first time in 2015....
economic structure towards service orientation (with the share of services sector in GDP up from 86% in 1997 to around 90% in [...] 此外,經濟 結構進一步向服務業轉移( 服務業在本 地生產總值所佔的比率,由一九九七年的 86%,增至二零零六年的 90%左右),以及香港...
Samoa: Value added in the services sector as percent of GDP: The latest value from 2023 is 67.73 percent, a decline from 70.49 percent in 2022. In comparison, the world average is 55.55 percent, based on data from 168 countries. Historically, the average
China’s auto market sustained its growth in 2024, expanding 3.8% to 23.26 million sales (wholesales + imports). A late-year recovery in the final four months helped drive the sector’s resilience. Looking at cumulative data from 2024, brand-wiseBYDwas still on top with 3.57 million sales...
accounted for 56 percent of GDP, contributing 66 percent to economic growth, and 70 percent of foreign investment in China went to the service sector. Emerging sectors such as digital culture, digital finance, internet healthcare, online education, and smart logistics continue to flourish in China...
A significant portion of India’s economic growth comes from a shift in the workforce from the agricultural sector to the more-productive service sector. This labor force shift is particularly significant in India because of the country’s staggering population figures. As such, changes in the ...
The share in the global GDP adjusted for PPP in Russia was forecast to continuously decrease between 2024 and 2029 by in total 0.3 percentage points.
in- vestment and 25 measures to boost financial support for the private sector. We have also been advancing pilot comprehensive reform in Pudong New Area, and supporting Beijing in stepping up the devel- opment of an integrated national demonstration zone for opening up the services ...
accounted for 56 percent of GDP, contributing 66 percent to economic growth, and 70 percent of foreign investment in China went to the service sector. Emerging sectors such as digital culture, digital finance, internet healthcare, online education, and smart logistics continue to flourish in China...