📣 从2022年4月6日起,英国租房、找工作或驾照申请都需要一个Share Code,这是检查居住资格的重要材料!不过,学生公寓和特定住房类型不需要哦~1️⃣ 什么是Share Code? Share Code,全称Immigration Status Code,包含了你的移民签证和出生日期等信息,能证明你的合法居留身份。从2022年4月6号开始,租房、找工作或...
从2022年4月6日起,在英国找工作、租房、申请驾照或NI(国家保险)时,都需要一个Share Code。这个Share Code,全称是Immigration Status Share Code,主要用于证明你的移民签证和出生日期等信息,确保你的身份和权利得到验证。它不仅方便雇主和中介核查个人信息,还能确保私人公寓和住宅知道你是否有权在英国租房。 🔑 如何...
Share Code Immigration Status Check Share Code最主要的作用,就是有利于查看和证明自己的移民身份信息,当你拥有Share Code之后,可以用来向任何人证明你有在英国工作或者租房的权利。 Share Code Right to Rent 而租房方面来说,2022年4月6日起,BRP (Biometric Residence Permit),BRC (Biometric Residence Card)和FWP...
从2022年4月6日开始,在英国找工作,租房,驾照申请,NI申请的时候大家都将需要申请一个Share Code,全称是Immigration Status Share Code,随着英国电子化的推进,这个Share Code分享代码包含了你移民签证出生日期等信息,来证明你目前的身份状态和所包含的权利。既方便雇主和中介核查个人信息,避免出现一些身份审查上面的纰漏...
have settled or pre-settled status(你有永居或者在申请永居) applied for a visa and used the ‘UK Immigration: ID Check’ app to scan your identity document on your phone(你如果是已经申请签证,则可以使用英国移民局的APP进行材料认证) 你需要准备好你的材料与知晓你的出生年化月日,就可以开始了 选择...
英国政府最近发布了一项新规定,从2022年4月6日开始,租房、找工作或者申请驾照都必须持有Share Code。这个Share Code,全称是Immigration Status Code,包含了你的移民签证和出生日期等信息,用于证明你的合法居留身份。不过,学生公寓的租户们可以松一口气,因为他们不需要申请这个Share Code。📌 什么是Share Code?
have settled or pre-settled status(你有永居或者在申请永居) applied for a visa and used the ‘UK Immigration: ID Check’ app to scan your identity document on your phone(你如果是已经申请签证,则可以使用英国移民局的APP进行材料认证) 你需要准备好你的材料与知晓你的出生年化月日,就可以开始了 ...
If they arrived in the UK before 1989 they may not have documents to prove their immigration status or right to work. Employers must also ask the Home Office to check an applicant’s status if their digital or non-digital certificate of application says they must, or if they have an appli...
It’s not simply a case of proving settled or pre-settled status, or using the ‘UK Immigration: ID check’ app as proof of your visa. Share codes are vital for starting a new life in the UK. But with so little education around share codes, it’s clear more needs to be done to ...
If Trump has an unbreakable bond with his supporters, it’s because he gives them permission to express their sense of siege. His rhetoric frees them from the mores and norms that keep their grievance in check. His rallies — his political carnivals — provide an opportunity to affirm their ...