Shardminds are crystalline creatures consisting of hundreds of small shards of translucent green, white, red, or amber crystal assembled into humanoid form and animated by a force of pure psionic energy. Shardminds choose their forms to mimic the shapes of humanoids; some take on forms that seem...
Dread Knights of Britannia [DKB] SinisterEvil 8 0 Crotchity Old Bastards [COB] Aeon 8 0 Lords of Hell [LoH] Utherel 8 0 Just Jimmy [] Jimmy 8 0 Immoral Destiny [NYC] Ford 8 0 Vista Cruiser [] monkey 8 0 He Gone [H=G] Harley Rothgar 8 0 The Sons of Fenrir [SoF...
I just think that Lotus’ behaviour is utterly devoid of evil intent when she could have easily secured an Elim victory at multiple points, and was being pushed fairly obviously as an alternative to Mint by yourself and Ash last cycle. On 6/27/2020 at 11:22 PM, The_Truthwatcher said:...
3. The Erudites are evil. Intellectuals being villains is a pet peeve of mine. 4. The lead characters(especially Four irk me). I don't want to go into detail here I have added enough negativity as is but I find him boring and kind of pointless. Beatrice seems like just another Mar...
–The first things I remember are his cold grey eyes that seemed to be made out of pure arrogance. His lips were thin and some believed he never smiled. On some rare occasions, he did, but I believe to be the only witness of such moments. He had so pale and delicate skin… so whi...
The Sibling is the first spren we've really seen form the bond out of pure desperation. Ah, I can see your point since it was a desperate moment and they went to Bond just to survive. But still, my point is that I was disappointed since I was hoping it would have been Dabbid ...
Because souls or spirits in the Cosmere are pure Investiture. Near as we can tell (and since this is based on explicitly fallible in-world theory, we cant be 100% certain) Anything that exists has a representation in the Spiritual Realm, which is a realm of Pure Investiture, as well ...