Shaq-Fu: A Legend Reborn Sign In to Rate Global player ratings 4.24Average rating 4.24 stars out of five stars from 468 ratings 468 ratings 63% 18% 7% 4% 8% Game and Legal Info A vessel floating down a river contains an orphaned baby boy. He is found and adopted. As he grows...
- Do any of the conflicts depicted in the The Sacred Testimony qualify as EPIC BOSS BATTLES THAT YOU WON’T BELIEVE WE ACTUALLY PUT INTO A GAME? “Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn” DOES contain all of those thrilling features and many more! So buy it. It’s pretty cheap. Udgivet af Mad ...
- Do any of the conflicts depicted in the The Sacred Testimony qualify as EPIC BOSS BATTLES THAT YOU WON’T BELIEVE WE ACTUALLY PUT INTO A GAME? “Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn” DOES contain all of those thrilling features and many more! So buy it. It’s pretty cheap. ...
Welcome, ladies and gents!! By stumbling upon this humble website, you have already involved yourself in a global movement to preserve an item that this world could not do without. The legacy known simply as “Shaq Fu.” We feel this game has found a home with us, and for that reason...
you've also got the sequel to the shaqfu game coming up. i'm coming up with the super-top of the technology. prior to that game, i was on the end of the old technology. the new technology came [along] that made my game look very analog. a lot of people wanted it to come...
The best way to describe this game is, Battletoads and Saint's Row had a one night stand and Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn was the resulting Offspring. That would make it sound good right? For some part, it is, but mostly it is repetitive, too short and once you finish it there is no...
Anyway, let’s get down to the bare bones of it – this is a bad game. From its tedious and repetitive gameplay to the terrible attempt at satire, Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn is not something you’ll want to play; even the legend himself can’t save it. You play as Shaq Fei Hung ...
沙克福(Shaq Fu)-成套2d素材(国外) 搜索 4张 7 压缩包 (4张,243K) 浏览压缩包 收藏 评论 分享 投诉 90年代(GB,GG) : 任天堂Game Boy(GB,GBC) 战士 22152545 杂项 22152553 其他 43016059 确定 取消 战士(Fighters) 收藏 资源总数:0张 下载类型 免费 vip 确定 取消 多选 高级...
To get straight to the point, Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn is a better game than the lazy cash grab that inspired it. Unlike the original Shaq Fu, A Legend Reborn is a side-scrolling arcade beat-em up, much like the classic Final Fight, Streets of Rage, or TMNT: Turtles ...
In this episode Greg and Joe look at a recently added game to the Switch -- Super Ninja Boy! An western port of a game in a long running franchise by Culture Brain, we discuss how the game plays and how it differs to it's Japanese original. Any questions, comments, etc can be left...