The meaning of SHAPO is a wild sheep of Kashmir and Tibet that is a variety of the urial.
(redirected fromShapo) Thesaurus ur·i·al (o͝or′ē-əl) n. A wild sheep(Ovis vigneisyn.O. orientalissubsp.vignei),of Central and South Asia, having a reddish-brown coat and long, curved horns in the male. [Western dialectal Punjabihuṛeāl(eastern Punjabihuṛiār), from Prak...
“Shapo.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 25 Feb. 2025. Copy Citation Share Facebook Twitter Love words? Need even more definitions? Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced ...
英语中的缩写词“SHAPO”常常被用来代表“Chapeau means hats off”,中文释义为“致敬,脱帽致敬”。本文将深入解析SHAPO的含义,包括其英文原词、中文拼音以及在英语中的广泛使用情况。此外,还将涉及SHAPO的分类、适用领域,并给出相关示例。SHAPO,全称为“Chapeau means hats off”的缩写,其中文含义即...
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shapo就是指在低杠背对高杠进行飞行的换杠动作,纯粹的shapo是面对低杠抓高杠,shapo180是飞行过程中转体了180,抓高杠是背对低杠的,当然如果登杠完成的就是登杠shapo,霍尔金娜的腾身回环180换至高杠,貌似也能叫腾身shapo180,就是这样。。而且一般shapo180都是低杠反握,切换到高杠正握 死挂...