[2202.05594] The Shapley Value in Machine Learning (arxiv.org)arxiv.org/abs/2202.05594 博客: The Shapley Value for ML Models. What is a Shapley value, and why is it… | by Divya Gopinath | Towards Data Sciencetowardsdatascience.com/the-shapley-value-for-ml-models-f1100bff78d1 什...
本论文是一篇综述,它总结了目前shapely值的几种估计方法,以及减小方差的方法;之后又讨论了shapely值在机器学习方面,包括深度学习,联邦学习,数据评估,可解释性等的应用价值。最后,总结了shapely估值的局限性,以及未来的一些展望。 估计方法 1.蒙特卡洛抽样 通过不断从玩家排序中抽样,并进行迭代,估算shapely值,使用切比雪...
In game theory, the Shapley value of a player is the average marginal contribution of the player in a cooperative game. That is, Shapley values are fair allocations, to individual players, of the total gain generated from a cooperative game. In the context of machine learning prediction, the...
Sarkar, The Shapley value in machine learning. arXiv preprint (2022). arXiv:2202.05594 H. Chen, I.C. Covert, S.M. Lundberg, S.-I. Lee, Algorithms to estimate Shapley value feature attributions. Nat. Mach. Intell. 5, 590–601 (2023) Article Google Scholar C. Molnar, Interpretable...
Over the last few years, the Shapley value, a solution concept from cooperative game theory, has found numerous applications in machine learning. In this paper, we first discuss fundamental concepts of cooperative game theory and axiomatic properties of the Shapley value. Then we give an overview...
explainer = shapley(___,Name=Value) specifies additional options using one or more name-value arguments. For example, specify UseParallel=true to compute Shapley values in parallel. example Input Arguments expand all blackbox— Machine learning model to be interpreted regression model object | class...
英文摘要:Data valuation using Shapley value has emerged as a prevalent research domainin machine learning applications. However, it is a challenge to address therole of order in data cooperation as most research lacks such discussion. Totackle this problem, this paper studies the definiti...
5 00:00:18,740 --> 00:00:24,890 所以作者是 Stanford Now people 是 Professor Gems Joule 出来的图 6 00:00:24,890 --> 00:00:27,340 是部分 7 00:00:29,700 --> 00:00:34,890 是的,那我们继续整理一下数据值是什么。 8 00:00:34,890 --> 00:00:36,240 ...
Shapley Value for Machine Learning:在机器学习领域内,shapley value常用做对深度神经网络的特征进行重要度测量(与QPD文章是一致的)。 2.3. Markov convex game (MCG) 的相关定义和性质 这里的optimal joint policy D\subseteq C可能表示coalition C中可能存在一些dummy agents, 其策略并不算作Optimal policy. 还需...
Explainability in Graph Machine Learning[11]Edge level attributionLinear regressionO(|N|) Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning[44]Global rewardMonte Carlo samplingO(|N|) Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning[27]Global rewardMonte Carlo samplingO(|N|) ...