shaping是shape的现在分词 shape 美[ʃeɪp] 英[ʃeɪp] v.成形;成型;塑造;形成 n.定型;形状;形态;样子 abbr.(=Supreme Headquarters; Allied Powers in Europe)(北大西洋公约组织的)欧洲盟军最高司令部 网络舍宾;整形;流量整形 复数:shapes现在分词:shaping过去式:shaped ...
How to Use Em Dashes (—), En Dashes (–) , and Hyphens (-) 'Affect' vs. 'Effect' What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay
1.wfq中shaping整形是160M,权重50,如果拥塞了,会根据权重来和其它WFQ的队列抢占带宽. 增加了shaping参数160M,效果就是即使带宽空闲的时候,AF3最多不会超过160M. 2.PQ中的shaping主要是限速作用,当出现拥塞的时候,避免其它队列得不到调度,限制带宽为160M....
Building on the legacy of its predecessors, 5G is transforming the world digitally. While 4G transformed the “connected consumer” into a “digital consumer”, says Pablo Iacopino, Director of Ecosystem Research at data research firm GSMA Intelligence, 5G is now transforming the “digital consumer...
中国日报丨Shaping China's future through Model CPPCC 第十届提案中国·全国大学生模拟政协提案大赛上,清华大学公共管理学院2022级博士生王印琪、杨翱翔、朱绍嘉以及马克思主义学院2023级博士生李招澎提出的《关于提升基层街道突发自然灾害应急响应能力的提案》从全国98所高校1130份提案中脱颖而出,获得“北京市优秀提案...
1. Potential-based reward shaping(PBRS) 中文可以翻译为基于势能的奖励塑造,首先给一个定义 PBRS认为,如果奖励塑造函数是这样一种形式,就可以保证, 的最优策略也是 里的最优策略。事实上,Wiewiora (2003) 已经证明了,这种方法与一个更简单的思路等价:为值函数提供一个初始值 ...
杭州娃哈哈双语学校|Sharing the planet, shaping the future Sharing the planet, shaping the future|共享地球,塑造未来 在初夏和煦的微风里,WIS五年级的毕业生们给大家呈现了一场精彩的毕业展。PYPX(PYP学习成果展) 是PYP阶段的核心部分,它既代表着PYP阶段的总结,也是向MYP阶段的过渡。它汇聚了PYP阶段的所有...
The Universal Shaping Engine (USE) generates character properties from Unicode data. There is a mapping between Unicode’s categories and the classes used internally by USE. This section defines how USE’s classes and subclasses are derived from Unicode data.Unicode categories:...
Two-dimensional (2D) growth-induced 3D shaping enables shape-morphing materials for diverse applications. However, quantitative design of 2D growth for arbitrary 3D shapes remains challenging. Here we show a 2D material programming approach for 3D shapin
Women architects in South Asia played a pivotal role in shaping the post-colonial identity and design language of their native countries.