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Language Learning and memory Nature Communications (Nat Commun)ISSN2041-1723(online) Sign up for theNature Briefingnewsletter — what matters in science, free to your inbox daily. Email address Sign up I agree my information will be processed in accordance with theNatureand Springer Nature Limited...
and Mexico of the Rio Grande Valley in southern Texas as a lesbian, she translanguages between English and Spanish (as well as Nahuatl) in constructing a hybrid consciousness through language. This hybridity and cultural synthesis is most poignant in her description of how the Weeping Woman from...
2010. Difficult vowel contrasts, native dialect and experience in non-native perception: Cuban and Peninsular Spanish learners of English. Presented at the Canadian Linguistic Association Annual Meeting, Concordia University, Montreal, QC, 30 May - 2 June....
Because the adopted and bilingual participants acquired their second language so early in life, during a period of heightened neuroplasticity for language learning, one might expect their second-language processing to resemble that of first language learners (see ref. 29 for a discussion). However, ...
English Language Minority Students and Education Policy: A Focus on the Latinx Population According to the article, "As immigration resurges, U.S. public schools help children find their footing" published by the Washington Post in 2016, the influx of immigrant children to our public schools has...
In the current study we investigate the role of sub-lexical units in lexical access in spoken Spanish and in Spanish Sign Language (LSE) in hearing early bimodal bilinguals and in hearing second language (L2) learners of LSE, both native speakers of Spanish, using the visual world paradigm. ...