计算多边形面积 # 创建Polygonfromshapely.geometryimportPoint, PolygonfrompyprojimportGeodimportpyprojimportshapely.opsasopsfromfunctoolsimportpartialpoints=[Point(float(x.split(',')[0]), float(x.split(',')[1]))forxinboards.split(';')]polygon=Polygon(points)# 第一种计算print("面积01(单位m^2):...
get_polygon(polygon_collection, point):forpolygoninpolygon_collection:ifpolygon.intersects(point):returnpolygonreturnNone Run Code Online (Sandbox Code Playgroud) 这种方法有效,但它在 O(n) * O(单多边形检查)中。如果构建树数据结构,这肯定可以减少到 O(log(n)) * O(单多边形检查)。
Using the vectorized ufunc interface (instead of using a manual for loop), compare an array of points with a polygon:>>> import shapely >>> import numpy as np >>> geoms = np.array([Point(0, 0), Point(1, 1), Point(2, 2)]) >>> polygon = shapely.box(0, 0, 2, 2) >>> ...
In shapely 1.8 I am getting a warning when subclassing Point (or any other geom) when I add a property (e.g., label: str): from shapely.geometry import Point class LabeledPoint(Point): def __init__(self, label: str, *args) -> None: self...
3 POLYGON ((1217371.162725744 -1300978.843646188... Run Code Online (Sandbox Code Playgroud) 现在我正在计算一个成对距离矩阵,但由于这些坐标以米为单位给出,因此数字非常大,并且遇到了溢出问题。所以我尝试这个: geo_df.geometry = geo_df.geometry.scale(xfact=1/10000, yfact=1/10000, zfact=1.0) ...
下面是 Shapely 中Point和Polygon类之间的关系: Point+float x+float y+bounds()Polygon+list points+bounds() 状态图 状态图可以清晰展示从创建几何对象到获取边界信息的流程。 CreateGeometryPointCreatedPolygonCreatedGetBoundsOutputResults 结论 通过以上步骤,我们成功地使用 Python 中的 Shapely 库获取了几何对象的边...
我已经使用Shapely创建了一个圆,并希望使用LineString将其一分为二。我创建了这个圆,如下所示 from functools import partial from shapely import geometry from shapely.geometryimport Point, Polygon, shape, MultiPoint, LineString, mapping 浏览72提问于2021-07-01得票数 1 3回答 使用qgis和shaply错误: G...
points = [ ( x1, y1 ), ( x2, y2 ), ( x3, y3 ), ( x4, y4 ) ] pygame.draw.polygon( screen, self.color, points, 0 ) pygame.display.update() screen_width, screen_height = 600, 500 pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode( ( screen_width, screen_height ) ) ...
3D points are converted to 2D. Parameters --- geojson_obj : dict a GeoJSON object feature_number : int, optional Feature to extract polygon from (in case of MultiPolygon FeatureCollection), defaults to first Feature decimals : int, optional Number of decimal figures after point to round coor...