If raster data will be included in the data being converted use the Project Raster tool. This is critical if a datum transformation is required in the Project tool. Refer to the Knowledgebase article:Select the correct geographic (datum) transformation when projecting between datumsto access the ...
dBASE files do not support BLOB, GUID, Global ID, or Raster field types. dBASE files have little SQL support aside from a Where clause. Attribute indexes are deleted when saving edits, and must be re-created from scratch. By default, inArcGIS Pro, dBASE files support the ANSI...
In File Explorer, select and click the desired layer package file to open it in ArcMap. The image below shows an example of an ArcMap layer package file, Transportation.Use the Feature Class To Shapefile (multiple) tool to convert the layer package to a shapefile. In the Geoprocessing ...
Is a shapefile a raster or vector? Takedown requestView complete answer on mangomap.com How do I create a shapefile in ArcMap? Takedown requestView complete answer on desktop.arcgis.com How do I convert an ArcGIS file to a shapefile?
ESRI White Paper ESRI Shapefile Technical Description J-7855 SDE, ARC/INFO, PC ARC/INFO, Data Automation Kit (DAK™), and ArcCAD® software provide shape-to-coverage data translators, and ARC/INFO also provides a coverage-to-shape translator. For exchange with other data formats, the ...
For PostGIS data, I suspect that upload times are going to limit the size of the vector/database layers you can use. Apparently no thematic (attribute-based) display colors yet; this is a major drawback. Raster imagery updates during zooms can be slow. ...
可以在arctoolbox中的conversiontools-->to Raster-->Raster to Other Format multiple)。 2、矢量化准备 矢量化前建立一个.mxd工程文件,该文件为索引文件,记录的是所有图层的相对路径和图层渲染标注等信息。然后通过arcaltalog建立点线面图层,添加到工程中即可进行矢量化操作,主要叠放顺序是点在上,线在中间,面...
A conversion to shapefile will convert the first 255 fields if this limit is exceeded. The dBASE file must contain at least one field. When creating a shapefile or dBASE table, an integer ID field is included by default. dBASE files do not support BLOB, GUID, Global ID, or R...
否,无法将要素类字段别名导出到 shapefile,因为 shapefile 不支持别名。 可以将字段别名添加到地图中引用 shapefile 但未保存在 shapefile 数据源中的图层。 因此,将要素类导出到 shapefile 时,字段别名将丢失。但是,要素类字段别名可以存储在 ArcMap 地图文档 (.mxd)
Ein Feature-Class-Feldaliasname kann jedoch in einem ArcMap-Kartendokument (.mxd) oder einer ArcGIS Pro-Kartendatei (.mapx) gespeichert werden, wo die am Feldaliasnamen vorgenommenen Änderungen im Feature-Layer gespeichert werden. Dies ist eine temporäre Alternative, bei der di...