output_buffer = [] for features in range(0,layer.GetFeatureCount()): feat = layer.GetNextFeature() geom = feat.GetGeometryRef() result = feat.ExportToJson() output_buffer.append(result) 当我转换为 geojson 时,我得到了输出,但只有一个功能被格式化为 JSON 我得到这样的输出: {"geometry":...
out_data.to_file(geojson_file, driver='GeoJSON', encoding="utf-8")print("successfully convert shapefile to geojson") AI代码助手复制代码 使用geopandas转换的时候两行核心代码即可搞定,简单粗暴。但是在实践过程中发现,采用geopandas转换后的GeoJson文件并没有保留shapefile中的属性properities信息,如area, na...
1#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-2fromosgeoimportogr3importgdal4importsys5importos67defChangeToJson(vector, output):8print("Starting...")9#打开矢量图层10gdal.SetConfigOption("GDAL_FILENAME_IS_UTF8","YES")11gdal.SetConfigOption("SHAPE_ENCODING","GBK")12shp_ds =ogr.Open(vector)13shp_lyr =sh...
C#将shapefile转换为geojson—通过GDAL C#将shapefile转换为geojson—通过GDAL 最近项⽬上,后台需要将数据处理的结果返回geojson数据的格式,⾃⼰写的拼接geojson⽅法始终存在问题。⾯太复杂,各种内环外环,⾯的相交等,⽆法完美解析,就采⽤这个办法,直接通过gdal,将结果转换为geojson,再返回,⽤别...
This project allows a user to load Shapefiles and DBFs into the browser with JavaScript. Outputs as GeoJSON for use with other Mapping APIs such as OpenLayers.Inspired by the excellent work by Tom Carden (http://github.com/RandomEtc/shapefile-js/).Overview...
Run ng build to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory. Use the -prod flag for a production build. Running unit tests Run ng test to execute the unit tests via Karma. Running end-to-end tests Run ng e2e to execute the end-to-end tests via Prot...
geojson 转 shapefile 使用[mapbox/shp-write]包 使用npm安装: npm install --save shp-write 或者直接引入,之后直接使用shpwrite变量: API很直观: importshpwritefrom"shp-write"; // (optional) set names for feature types and zipped folder var...
driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("GeoJSON") if driver ==None: print("打开驱动失败!") driver.CopyDataSource(ds, "E:\\fibercable.geojson") if __name__ =='__main__': shp2gson() //geojson to shp 直接从geojson中拿到FeatureCollection,剩下的就是怎么写入shp文件 ...
I have a shapefile and I would like to convert in ESRI Json with ArcGIS toolbox From feature to JSON. When i convert it I visualize x and y values in meters while I want latitude and longitude information. How can I set this option to visualize geo coordinates in json file? arcgis-des...
importgeopandasasgpd# 读取ShapeFileshapefile = gpd.read_file('input.shp')# 保存为GeoJSONshapefile.to_file('output.geojson', driver='GeoJSON') 通过以上工具和方法,读者可以轻松实现ShapeFile与GeoJSON之间的相互转换,从而在地理信息系统(GIS)领域中更好地管理和应用地理空间数据。希望这些内容能为读者提供有...