4 发布Layer建好Data Source后,在左侧菜单点击Layers,在右边点Add New新建选择Data Source后,点Select确认,如下图所示:5 录入信息,最后点ok确认,如下图所示:6 使用TEP访问发布的WFS以上的步骤已完成WFS服务发布,接下来用TEP加载WFS服务图层在TEP中,添加Feature Layer,服务类型选“TerraGate SFS(WFS)”,然...
I followed the workflow as shown on the follow page (https://developers.arcgis.com/python/sample-notebooks/overwriting-feature-layers/) and am receive a key error when attempting to publish my shapefile into a feature layer. My code used to work fine and started...
IFeatureWorkspace featureWorkspce = fileWorkspaceFactory.OpenFromFile(strWorkspacePath, 0) as IFeatureWorkspace; IFeatureLayer featureLayer = new FeatureLayerClass(); IFeatureClass featureClass = featureWorkspce.OpenFeatureClass(strNewLayer); featureLayer.FeatureClass = featureClass; (3)获取shp文件所有字段...
InFile Explorer, select and click the desired layer package file to open it in ArcMap. The image below shows an example of an ArcMap layer package file, Transportation. Use theFeature Class To Shapefile (multiple)tool to convert the layer package to a shapefile. ...
String type = feature.GetFieldAsString("type"); Geometry geom = feature.GetGeometryRef(); String wkt = geom.ExportToWkt(); Province p = new Province(); p.setCode(code); p.setName(name); p.setType(type); p.setGeom(wkt);
(1) 在调用IFeatureDataset的CreateFeatureClass方法时,报错提示:The application is not licensed to create or modify schema for this type of data! 其解决方案 是:修改在form窗体中添加的axLicenseControl的属性,设置为ArcGIS Engine Enterprise...选项;并重新Update下ESRI的License文件。
The list of input feature classes or feature layers that will be converted and added to the output folder. Feature Layer Output Folder The folder where the shapefiles will be written. Folder Derived Output LabelExplanationData Type Updated Output Folder ...
那就是:在用了layer.deletefeature()之后,再利用REPACK命令,这将忽略已经标记为deleted的feature。我的语句是这样的: ogrds = driver.Open(@"XianCh_point.shp", 1); Layerogrlayer = ogrds.GetLayerByName("XianCh_point"); intint_min_index=Convert.ToInt32(min_index);//要删除的feature的FID ...
In ArcGIS Online, it is possible to download publicly shared data as shapefiles to the local machine. The owner of the data must configure the hosted feature layer to allow others to export the data.
IFeatureDataset pFeatureDataset = pFeatureWorkspace.OpenFeatureDataset(fileName);//IFeaturClassContainer可以管理IFeatureDataset中的每个要素类 IFeatureClassContainer pFeatClassContainer = (IFeatureClassContainer)pFeatureDataset;//对CAD文件中的要素进行遍历处理 IFeatureLayer pFeatureLayer;for (int i ...