new_array.add(new_point) new_line = arcpy.Polyline(new_array) 打印new_array也是38个点,但是打印new_line.pointCount就只有3个点了。 重新分析测试数据(WGS-84 地理坐标系/经纬度 下进行),启用编辑状态,原始的线要素上点比较密集,如图: 经过处理后改线变成了: 用Arcpy Polyline lose points 去谷歌 搜到...
arcpy.conversion.FeatureClassToShapefile(Input_Features, Output_Folder) 参数说明数据类型 Input_Features [Input_Features,...] 将被转换并添加到输出文件夹的输入要素类或要素图层的列表。 Feature Layer Output_Folder 将写入 shapefile 的文件夹。 Folder ...
# Name: # Description: Use FeatureClassToShapefile to copy feature classes to shapefiles # Import system modules import arcpy # Set environment settings arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/data" # Set local variables inFeatures = ["climate.shp", "majorrds.shp"] out...
classes to shapefiles# Import system modulesimportarcpy# Set environment settingsarcpy.env.workspace ="C:/data"# Set local variablesinFeatures = ["climate.shp","majorrds.shp"] outLocation ="C:/output"# Execute FeatureClassToGeodatabasearcpy.FeatureClassToShapefile_conversion(inFeatures, out...
mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument("CURRENT") # 获得data frame df = arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd,"*")[0] # 创建新图层 # path_to_shapefile_or_feature_class:shapefile路径或者要素类 newlayer = arcpy.mapping.Layer(path_to_shapefile_or_feature_class) ...
arcpy.AddMessage("\nFields found in feature class:") for field in fieldList: arcpy.AddMessage("%s (%s)" % (, field.type)) if field.type == 'OID': if exportOID: fieldList2.append(field) else: continue elif field.type == 'Geometry': ...
mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument("CURRENT")获得data frame df = arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd,"*")[0]创建新图层 path_to_shapefile_or_feature_class:shapefile路径或者要素类 newlayer = arcpy.mapping.Layer(path_to_shapefile_or_feature_class)添加图层,放到最下面一层 arcpy.mapping.Add...
Abstract : In the process of geographic information data processing , there is often a need to merge several Shapefiles into one. Although the merge tool of the ArcGIS toolbox or the copy and paste method can be implemented, the operation ...
如果非要在SQL Server 平台修改自增列值的,那就手动需要自增列属性,然后修改该列 ...
outputFC (str): path to the output feature class """### Validate Output Workspace ###ERROR.checkOutputPath(outputFC)### Shorthand Attributes ###ssdo = self.ssdo caseField = self.caseField attFields = self.attFields### Create Output Feature Class ###ARCPY.SetProgressor("default", ...