ArcGIS geoprocessing tool that converts the features from one or more feature classes or feature layers to shapefiles and adds them to a folder of shapefiles.
Shapefile Feature Class properties サマリー TheDescribefunction returns theFeature Class,Table, andDatasetproperty groups for shapefiles. For a shapefile feature class, theDescribedataTypeproperty returns a value of"ShapeFile".
Export the feature class using the Feature Class To Feature Class tool Open the ArcGIS Pro project. On the top ribbon, click theAnalysistab, and clickTools. In theGeoprocessingpane, search for and clickFeature Class To Feature Class (Conversion Tools). TheFeature Class To Feature Classwindow...
In ArcGIS Pro, export the layer as a shapefile using theFeature Class To Shapefiletool. On the top ribbon, click theAnalysistab, and clickTools. In theGeoprocessingpane, search for and clickFeature Class To Shapefile (Conversion). TheFeature Class To Shapefilewindow opens. ...
要素类转 Shapefile (FeatureClassToShapefile) 示例 2(独立脚本) 以下独立脚本演示了如何使用 FeatureClassToShapefile 函数。 # Name: # Description: Use FeatureClassToShapefile to copy feature classes to shapefiles # Import system modules import arcpy # Set environment ...
当然我们也可以在ArcGISPro等GIS软件中生成gdb的feature class,达到的效果是一样的,最后得到的结果就不会产生字段名称因为文件格式的限制而产生乱码的现象。 发布于 2024-04-28 15:16・IP 属地陕西 内容所属专栏 问题解决 在学习中遇到的问题,然后解决它 订阅专栏 shapefile R ...
# Name: # Description: Use FeatureClassToShapefile to copy feature classes to shapefiles # Import system modules import arcpy # Set environment settings arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/data" # Set local variables inFeatures = ["climate.shp", "majorrds.shp"] out...
In ArcGIS Pro, export the layer as a shapefile using the Feature Class To Shapefile tool. On the top ribbon, click the Analysis tab, and click Tools. In the Geoprocessing pane, search for and click Feature Class To Shapefile (Conversion). The Feature Class To Shapefile window opens. ...
②使用【3D Analyst Tools】-【Conversion】-【Layer 3D to Feature Class】工具,导入拉伸后的shp文件。 ③使用【Conversion Tools】-【To Collada】-【Multipatch To Collada】工具,导入上一步新生成的数据,生成dae文件 3.导入Sketch Up 打开Sketch Up,选择一个空白模板,点击左上角【文件】-【导入】,选择dae文件...
①在ArcScene中打开我们已有的shp文件,右键单击该文件,选择属性,点击拉伸,勾选复选框,选择拉伸字段,根据需要选择拉伸方式,点击确定。②使用【3D Analyst Tools】-【Conversion】-【Layer 3D to Feature Class】工具,导入拉伸后的shp文件。③使用【Conversion Tools】-【To Collada】-【Multipatch To Collada】...