医疗器械应用端,材料的形状记忆这一特性能发挥很多价值。如弹簧圈的填充和封堵,自膨支架的应变扩张等。形状记忆与腔体血管,可以说有着天然的应用匹配。 当下器械中,形状记忆几乎都是指合金材料(含2种以上金属元素),如最常用的Niti(镍钛)。总结下来...
These challenges can be addressed by shape-memory polymers (SMPs) described in this chapter. SMPs are of high technological significance for biomedical applications as they enable on-demand predefined changes in the shape of a device upon exposure to a suitable stimulus. Multifunctional materials are...
如红外光照射、施加电场、交变磁场或浸入水中。与金属形状记忆合金相比,聚合物的循环周期可以在更短的时间间隔内进行,且可以有更高的变形率。 医疗器械应用端,材料的形状记忆这一特性能发挥很多价值。如弹簧圈的填充和封堵,自膨支架的应变扩张等。形状记忆与腔体血管,可以说有着天然的应用匹配。 当下器械中,形状记忆...
Shape-memory polymers and shape-changing polymers. In Shape-Memory Polymers; Lendlein, A., Ed.; Springer: Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany, 2010; pp. 1-40.J.Z. Marc Behl, and Andreas Lendlein, Shape-Memory Polymers and Shape-Changing Polymers, Adv. Polym. Sci. 226 (2010) 1-40....
Shape-memory polymers are an emerging class of active polymers that have dual-shape capability. They can change their shape in a predefined way from shape A to shape B when exposed to an appropriate stimulus. While shape B is given by the initial processing step, shape A is determined by ...
A delayed transformation is desirable since certain shape-shifting polymers rely on naturally present stimuli as triggers, like human body temperature, but their transformation timings are hardly controllable, forming a bottleneck for the application of implantable devices. ...
The shape memory polymers are available, e.g., in the form of pellets. They can easily be compounded and formed by extrusion orinjection molding. The processing temperature in this first step of the production process needs to be high enough, so that both segments are molded during this proc...
PolyurethaneShape-MemoryPolymers DemonstrateFunctionalBiocompatibility InVitro MaricelCabanlit,DuncanMaitland,ThomasWilson,ScottSimon, TheodoreWun,M.EricGershwin,JudyVandeWater * Introduction Shapememorypolymers(SMPs)areaclassofpolymeric materialsthatcanbeformedintoaspecificprimaryshape, ...
Shape-memory polymers (SMPs) are synthesized with adjustable glass transition temperature (Tg) ranging from 299 to 322 °C, higher than those reported previously. The polyimide containing thermal stable but flexible linkages within the backbone act as reversible phase, and high molecular weight (Mn)...
Shape memory polymersShape memory polymersShape memory polymers (SMP) are increasingly popular in the fabric engineering as they respond dynamically to changes in heat and moisture levels, ensuring greater comfort for the wearer. They are thus often used to produce high-end functional garments. It ...