形状会出现在Shape Layer的“内容”(Contents)下,您可以通过展开这些内容来查看和调整形状的各个属性。调整属性:在Shape Layer的属性中,您可以调整“填充”(Fill)、“描边”(Stroke)、“转换”(Transform)等属性,以改变形状的颜色、边框和位置等。4. 添加动画关键帧 设置关键帧:在时间线面板中,将时间指...
excellent. We've got our transition going. So we just need to do one last thing. Let's animate those properties returning to their original positions during the second base transform. So I'm going to go ahead here and I'm going to duplicate my position key frame. Uh, so with an Easy...
What you learned: How to animate shape layers using multiple transform optionsWhen multiple shapes are on a single shape layer Each individual shape will typically have its own set of transform controls anchored to the shape itself, in addition to the transform controls for the layer. Transform ...
What you learned: How to animate shape layers using multiple transform optionsWhen multiple shapes are on a single shape layer Each individual shape will typically have its own set of transform controls anchored to the shape itself, in addition to the transform controls for the layer. Transform ...
一个名为“Per Step Transform”的子组使您能够调整Repeater变换属性,而无需离开“效果”面板,因此您根本不必旋转Shape Layer的内容子组。例如,您可以通过按每步位置更改克隆之间的间隔在X轴上; 或者您也可以调整其Y轴值来创建一些垂直甚至对角线排列。
Human emotions fluctuate over time. However, it is unclear how these shifting emotional states influence the organization of episodic memory. Here, we examine how emotion dynamics transform experiences into memorable events. Using custom musical pieces a
Pass your GameObject'stransformas a parameter, followed by thejson path(located underResources) Optional parameters Sort [Int]: Order in layer Scale [Float]: Scale of rendered composition Stroke Width [Float]: Width of AE strokes Loop [Bool]: Should the composition loop ...
一个名为“Per Step Transform”的子组使您能够调整Repeater变换属性,而无需离开“效果”面板,因此您根本不必旋转Shape Layer的内容子组。例如,您可以通过按每步位置更改克隆之间的间隔在X轴上; 或者您也可以调整其Y轴值来创建一些垂直甚至对角线排列。
Gets or sets transform information that affects the rendering position of this element. This is a dependency property. (Inherited from UIElement) RenderTransformOrigin Gets or sets the center point of any possible render transform declared by RenderTransform, relative to the bounds of the element....
The Transform Rectangle Position is based on the layer center, not the Layer Position or Anchor Point. The default is 0, 0. The shapes' actual position on the screen is a combination of all of those factors, so if you want toComp or toWorld to have any relationship to Rectangle ...