我的床上有你的味道。🎵Vocal:璃露🎵Mix:言屹🎵Movie:fafa🌷◆Twitterhttps://twitter.com/Riru2270◆youtubehttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdOiaZl2VRPTDh6UORJcypg◆bilibilihttps://space.bilibili.com/331249454◆网易云https://m, 视频播放量 3773、弹幕量
voi/movie:旋子(视频里写成vol了)mix:Mauriceb站:L【旋子】shape of you我第一句就唱错了2333网易:O网页链接这首歌是一个微博上的小朋友推荐的,我觉得挺难唱的,而且英翻比起日翻吐字对我来说更困难,就准备挺久的(但还是有很多不足)。谢谢maurice老师走心的后期,反复修改了很多次,而且对待作品态度非常正。也...
(chiefly Bob Chinn) to counter accusations of sexism and draw additional publicity. Whatever the case, Palmer's career as, if little else, a female "presenter" in XXX is unique and worth noting, and SHAPE UP, her only movie not produced under the aegis of Caribbean Films, is a bizarre ...
“You’ve got to break the mould”: James Cameron Claims ‘Avatar 3’ is Full of Brave Choices When His Last Sequel Was Rehashed Version of the Original 1/16/2025 by Mahin Sultan FandomWire Jonathan Hyde (I) Thandiwe Newton and Steve Zahn join Anaconda cast ...
J.Fla: Ed Sheeran's Shape of You (cover) (Music Video 2017) - Referenced in, Featured in, Spoofed and more...
shape of you " repeatedly references the 1976 boxing movie rocky, as ed and his love interest play boxers in training, complete with fight scenes and a major throw down at the very end. there are sweeter moments infused throughout, of course, like when ed takes her out to eat and puts...
时事2:FreeJapanXXXXmovie 12月18日,特朗普胜选导致外商恐慌性囤货,不熟by一枝独秀,一o多1多肉多车师徒-师徒相伴绿意盎然一代果农的故事,《尖锋之烈焰青春》全集在线免费观看完整版-电视剧频,11度青春之老男孩免费观看,正在热播的五部剧,《好团圆》排在倒数,第一实至名归,丰年经继拇的真实含义 ...
The shape of water-The shape of you 一根盐树枝 评论水形物语 5 2018-05-22 22:00:56 这篇影评可能有剧透 《水形物语》这部电影是在奥斯卡颁奖之后,我才注意到的,看过很多的评价,其中最让我印象深刻的,有一个是“该是有多么温柔的人才会拍出这样一部边缘人相爱的故事”,还有一个是“艾丽莎是个人鱼...
美拍视频: shape of you#演奏#1320 播放美拍合辑 每时每刻美拍 收藏 下载 分享 手机看 登录后可发评论 评论沙发是我的~为你推荐 05:31 【cryfish教程】正确演奏高音 1653播放 01:09 萨克斯演奏《望春风》大厅的自然混响... 1570播放 03:27 萨克斯演奏《战马》荡气回肠的旋律,... 977播放 00:...
黄老板超流行歌曲《shape of You》,燃爆全球!。听TED演讲,看国内、国际名校好课,就在网易公开课