four equal-length sides and opposite sides parallel to each other. the sides of a square are congruent, and the opposite sides are parallel to each, where all the internal angles are right angles. from this, we can say that every square is also a rhombus. q5 does a kite add up to ...
I always love when I come across an activity that can be used any time of the school year. These super cuteshape puzzles printablehelp children learn to recognize both2d and 3d shapes kindergarten, preschool, and pre-k students . Theseprintable shape puzzlesare perfect for both introduction or...
Liu Tao: I can see five circles. Miss Li: Yes. It’s a kite, too. Can you draw a circle, Liu Tao. Liu Tao: Yes, I can. Miss Li: Come to the blackboard and show us how to do it. Liu Tao: This is the sun. Miss Li: Good. The sun is a circle. What shape is the moo...