Boxplot showing snout-urostyl length (SUL) differences between sampled males and females of Bufo bufo. The tick line in box is showing median. The lines positioning under and on the box are whiskers. The minimum, maximum values, and interquartile range were represented with jitters TABLE 1. ...
24,25 also showed that a network would be more likely to learn the overall shape distributions of the skulls when given an entire skull as input after downsampling, compared to given only a portion (e.g., a bounding box24 or a patch25) of the skull. The full-image context helps ...
We summarized 100 values as a boxplot. The median simulated values and observed values are shown along each group. For each plot, we marked the observed value as a dark black line and showed the empirical P value as the times out of 100 replicates where the observed value is more extreme...
We germinated a single seed per accession and used the progeny seed for sterilization, germination, 16S rDNA sequencing and analysis. (Illustration created by Histograms of the relative abundances of the top 10 bacterial communities at genus level (B) and Boxplot of Shannon index ...
The findings demonstrated that both new indices and two of the selected indices (Convexity and Rectangularity) delivered higher performance. The custom classification scheme was found more ideal to reveal absolute shape complexity with the index value ranges derived from the boxplots while the other ...
B Boxplots of four common alpha-diversity indices (i.e., chao1, inverse Simpson, observed richness, and Shannon index) for FD, tumor, and adjacent non-tumor tissues (n = 8, 83, and 80, respectively) as well as for tumors with gastric, intestinal, mixed, and null mucin ...
Number of measurements shown on the x axis of boxplots. Error bars indicate 95% confidence intervals. ns, not significant; ∗/+p < 0.05; ∗∗/++p <0.01; ∗∗∗/+++p < 0.001 (post-hoc Student’s two-tailed t test). See also Figure S4. Download: Download high-res image...
Fire and herbivory are closely linked, careful consideration should be made when making decisions in the management of either. In some areas either driver may be more dominant, as was the case in our research. Further studies should incorporate a range of fire frequencies and intensities, as wel...
The log of this number is then plotted against the log reciprocal of the length of each box and the gradient of the regression line for this plot is the fractal dimension. For lacunarity, a similar process is undertaken with the numbers of pixels in each box recorded as a distribution for...
Fruit size and shape are critical agronomical and pomological attributes and prime targets in peach breeding programs. Apart from the flat peach type, a Mendelian trait well-characterized at the genetic level, ample diversity of fruit size and shapes is