2.1.594 Part 1 Section, cellWatch (Cell Watch Item) 2.1.595 Part 1 Section, cfRule (Conditional Formatting Rule) 2.1.596 Part 1 Section, cfvo (Conditional Format Value Object) 2.1.597 Part 1 Section, chartsheet (Chart Sheet) 2.1.5...
The item has been added Add to Wish List Description each one is individually hammered to give the cast brass paddle from our "shapes" series a unique finish but with light catching sparkle - with a sterling accent on fronthangs 1'' off custom hand made Argentium sterling ear wire 3 ...
2.1.675 Part 1 Section 18.4.8, si (String Item) 2.1.676 Part 1 Section 18.4.9, sst (Shared String Table) 2.1.677 Part 1 Section 18.4.11, sz (Font Size) 2.1.678 Part 1 Section 18.4.12, t (Text) 2.1.679 Part 1 Section, calculatedColumnFormula (Calculated Column Form...
HwArEnableItem HwArEnginesAvaliblity HwArEnginesType HwArEnvironmentTextureUpdateMode HwArFaceDetectMode HwArFocusMode HwArHandFindingMode HwArHandGesutreType HwArHandSkeletonType HwArHandType HwArHealthParameterType HwArImageInputMode HwArInstallStatus HwArLightEstimateState HwArLight...
HwArEnableItem HwArEnginesAvaliblity HwArEnginesType HwArEnvironmentTextureUpdateMode HwArFaceDetectMode HwArFocusMode HwArHandFindingMode HwArHandGesutreType HwArHandSkeletonType HwArHandType HwArHealthParameterType HwArImageInputMode HwArInstallStatus HwArLightEstimateState Hw...
4. Can we add our logo to this item? Yes, defintely, please send us your artworks. 5. What's your MOQ? As a manufacturer we all can do no matter how many quantity you want, just the price will be different. Normally the price will be better when the quantity...
item length namedItem HTMLOptionsCollection add item length namedItem remove selectedIndex HTMLOrSVGElement autofocus blur dataset focus nonce tabIndex HTMLVideoElement autoPictureInPicture disablePictureInPicture requestPictureInPicture Iterations do-while for for-await-of for-in for-of while Location ancestor...
FormTreeItem FormTreeSelect FormViewOption FormWindowControl FullTextIndexChangeTracking Gac GeneralDataProtectionRegulation GlobalOccMode GridBorderStyle GridLinesStyle GridStyle GroupNodeType GroupStyle HeadingsStrategy HeapCheck HelpDocSetNode HelpDocumentManager HtmlFont IdAllocationSchema IDispatcherProxy IISApp...
►LabelledItem ►labelledTri labelOp ►labelOp< int32_t > ►labelOp< int64_t > ►labelRange labelRangeOp ►labelRangeOp< polyPatch > ►labelRangeOp< surfZone > ►labelRanges ►labelToCell ►labelToFace ►labelToPoint ►lagrangianFieldDecomposer ►lagrangianReconstructor ►...
varObjectsToInstance(intCounter) = vsoMasters.ItemU(intCounter).NameU 'Set x components of where to drop to 2,4,6,2,4,6,2,4,6,... adblXYArray (intCounter * 2 - 1) = (((intCounter - 1) Mod 3) + 1) * 2 'Set y components to 2,2,2,4,4,4,6,6,6,... adblXYAr...