利用Shapefile的文件结构,并在此基础上以Microsoft visual Basic 6.0为开发平台,利用AUTOCAD的二次开发技术,实现Shapefile点文件到AUTOCAD文件的转换。 关键词: Shapefile文件, AUTOCAD文件, VB Abstract: Shapefile graphic file is a vector data format file provided by ESRI,which is easy to read and write....
We try to open .shp file in AutoCAD by using "Compile" and "Load" Command. But It Shows an issues, i)Command: COMPILECompiling shape/font description fileBad shape definition at line 1 of E:\BricsCAD Projects\World_Countries\World_Countries.shp:ii)Command: LOADError reading shape file E...
autocad shape file即autocad的形文件,文件里保存着各种“图元”,扩展名是.SHP,多个SHP的合集是SHX,如cad专用的字体文件,其实在autocad中显示出来的时候就是当成矢量图形在处理。形文件作为autocad的一种外部支持文件,除了autocad自带的shx文件以外,如果要在其他人电脑上正常显示保存在形文件中的图形,...
shape file即autocad的形文件,文件里保存着各种“图元”,扩展名是.SHP,多个SHP的合集是SHX,如cad专...
Open FileName For Binary As #4 //二进制打开.shp文件 For i=1 To k mystr=myrs.Fields(findval).Value //读取.dbf 文件第i行记录的指定字段的值 Set cad3dpoint=New clsmypoint //创建自定义对象实例 cad3dpoints.Add cad3dpoint //自定义对象添加到集合中 Set cad3dpoint=Nothing //对象清空 my...
autocad shape file即autocad的形文件,文件里保存着各种“图元”,扩展名是.SHP,多个SHP的合集是SHX,如cad专用的字体文件,其实在autocad中显示出来的时候就是当成矢量图形在处理。形文件作为autocad的一种外部支持文件,除了autocad自带的shx文件以外,如果要在其他人电脑上正常显示保存在形文件中的图形,则必须将形文件与...
This article talks about removing shapes and purging references to unavailable shape (SHX) files in AutoCAD. Manual check Go through the drawing and determine which objects or linetypes refer to the missing SHX file. Once found, change linetype assignmen
When creating text with a particular SHX font/shape/file in AutoCAD, a message appears at the command line that there was an "Error reading shape file". Any text using that font will then have a substitute font used, like Simplex.shx, for example. The SH
Welcome to Autodesk’s Civil 3D Forums. Share your knowledge, ask questions, and explore popular AutoCAD Civil 3D topics. Translate Creating a shape file 6 REPLIES Back to Civil 3D Category Back to Topic Listing Topic Options Message 1 of 7 Bkilen 1454 Views, 6 Replies 04-06-2022...
1 将AutoCAD数据转化为Shape文件的条件和要求 AutoCAD以图层(layer)来组织图形数据,不同类型的图素如点、线、多边形等可以共层,并且多个图层可共存于一个dwg或dxf文件中.而ArcView是以专题(theme)的形式来组织视图(view),每个视图包含一组专题,每个专题存储于一组Shape文件中,不同的类型空间数据(特征feature)如点...