A fiber-section model based Timoshenko beam element using shear-bending interdependent shape function Since the SBIF shape functions are interactive with the shear-corrector factor for different shapes of sections, an iterative procedure is introduced in the... N Li,Z Li,L Xie - 《Earthquake Engi...
A change in sample to detector distance is responsible for an isotropic scale by a factor (18)α=DD−δDDDD, with respect to the PC, i.e., xi′ = α.xi (i = 1, 2). Be aware this formula depends on the adopted coordinates system. Here, X→3 is oriented toward the screen, he...
6) shape factor 形状因子 1. Automatically discriminating overlapped cell based onshape factoranalysis:a technical study; 基于形状因子分析的重叠细胞自动判别技术研究 2. Research on relationship betweenshape factorand hydraulic conductance for flow in arbitrary triangular capillary; ...
Size Scale factor of polygon Orientation Rotation around axis pointing to viewer Current texture Small number of textures shared by many particles Color All vertices same color; can modify texture (using modulate) Lighting Light enables and light position; shared by many particles material and normal...
Core a prismatic shape with triangular cross section for the cavity wallsVEINBERG JOSEPHVEINBERG JOSEPH
Here we analyze the size-shape stability among different triangular structures-quantum- dots proposed from the ideal S(-1010) and Mo(10-10) terminations. Our stability analysis evidenced that the S–Se termination is more stable than Mo; moreover, as the size of the quantum dot increases, ...
Then, we learn an embedding space for a dataset with varying eccentricity and texture in Fig. 5a (nine classes). The UMAP and class distance matrix show that eccentricity is the dominant factor of variation over texture. Extending to the dataset with varying contour randomness (27 classes), ...
The theory developed in the last section has pointed out several factors that contribute to the overall SHG signals. The calculation results on the contribution from the following physical factors: (a) The amplitude of FW mode ; (b) the spatial overlap factor ; (c) the FW-SHW phase mismatch...
For food and certain other products, an important factor in 2-D shape measurement is the deviation relative to a standard template. Maximum deviations are important because of the need to fit the product into a standard pack. Another useful measure is the area of overflow or underfill relative...
In this section, we review the segmentation algorithm using random walk for a single mesh. First, the algorithm constructs a dual graph G=(V,E) for a triangular mesh, with vertices v∈V to represent faces of the mesh, and edges e∈E⊆V×V link the adjacent faces. Here we use 1-...