The horizontal and vertical distribution features of six kinds of heavy metal elements in the sediments of five national controlling sections of Weihei river in Shanxi province had been investigated,which were cadmium(Cd),lead(Pb),zinc(Zn),chromium(Cr),Nickel(Ni) and copper(Cu).The results dem...
ZoneWeiheRiverHydrochemistryPiperBy sampling the undercurrent belts of riverfront,shoal and riverbed at Xia-nyang,Xi'an,Lintong and Huaxian in Weihe basin of Shaanxi provincein the summer and winter of 2014 and analyzed the water chemical character through Piper trilinear chart,This thesis has come...
硬座 15.5预订 硬卧 61.5预订 软卧 92.5预订 无座 15.5预订 13:13 苇河 1时30分 K2052 14:43 帽儿山 15.5 硬座有票 硬卧有票 软卧5张 无座有票 硬座 15.5预订 硬卧 61.5预订 软卧 92.5预订 无座 15.5预订 中转方案推荐 09:58 苇河西 全程3时6分 尚志南转 换乘2时36分 13:04 帽儿山西 32 第一程 ...
Weihe GrabenFenwei GrabenIndo-Asia collisionIt has long been debated whether the formation of the Cenozoic Weihe and Shanxi grabens in North China was induced by the Indo–Asia collision or Pacific Plate subduction. Deciding between these two models requires precise knowledge of the timing of the ...