FROM 1964 to 1978, Dazhai, with a population of 500, was the most famous village in China. Millions of Chinese came to the Shanxi village to visit its terraced fields and splendid irrigation systems.It was not until 1978 when Guo Fenglian, head of the vi
阅读理解 FROM 1964 to 1978, Dazhai, with a population of 500, was the most famous village in China.Millions of Chinese came to the Shanxi village to visit its terraced fields(梯田)and“splendid”irrigation systems. It was not until 1978 when Guo Fenglian, head of the village, paid a vi...
大图:5272× 3514 像素·44.64 cm × 29.75 cm·300dpi·JPG 中图:1000× 667 像素·35.28 cm × 23.53 cm·72dpi·JPG 小图:500× 333 像素·17.64 cm × 11.75 cm·72dpi·JPG 了解更多 图片套餐 常见问题: 商业用途| 授权| 授权书| 发票| 合同问题 ...
引《史记·荆燕世家》:“田生 如 长安,不见 泽,而假大宅,令其子求事 吕后 所幸大謁者 张子卿。”《三国志·吴志·是仪传》:“邻家有起大宅者, 权 出望见,问起大室者谁。”唐 白居易 《凶宅》诗:“长安 多大宅,列在街西东。” ⒉ 指天地,宇宙。 引《后汉书·冯衍传下》:“游精神於大宅兮,抗...
大图:5227× 2613 像素·44.26 cm × 22.12 cm·300dpi·JPG 中图:1000× 500 像素·35.28 cm × 17.64 cm·72dpi·JPG 小图:500× 250 像素·17.64 cm × 8.82 cm·72dpi·JPG 了解更多 图片套餐 常见问题: 商业用途| 授权| 授权书| 发票| 合同问题 ...