Ma Lantau Island is located inShantoucity to the sea. 妈屿岛位于汕头市出海口. 互联网 My hometown isShantou, known as a seashore city. 我的家乡就是素有海滨城市的汕头. 互联网 ActionShantouhost, I welcome you toShantouvery much. 作为汕头的主人, 我非常欢迎你们来到汕头. ...
The meaning of SHANTOU is city and port on the South China Sea in Guangdong province, southeastern China population 4,486,500.
shantou 汕头[广东省](旧译Swatow) Shantou 汕头[广东省](旧译Swatow) 最新单词 Bryopsidaceae怎么翻译及发音 羽藻科 Bryopsida怎么翻译及发音 藓纲; 藓纲 bryophyte是什么意思 n. 苔藓类的植物 Bryophyta的意思 苔癣植物门; 苔藓植物门 bryony的中文意思 n. 葫芦科的一种蔓草 bryology的意思 n. 苔藓...
* Updated 2025年3月20日星期四 3時42分54秒 Shantou time - Weather by CustomWeather, © 2025 14 day forecast, day-by-dayHour-by-hour forecast for next week Yesterday's weather Clear. 21 / 9 °C Humidity: 64%. Wind: 6 km/h↑from North ...
ShantouShantou, known as Swatow in the local language, is a coastal city and Special Economic Zone in Guangdong Province in China. It is located in the east of the province near the border with Fujian.Map Directions Satellite Photo Map
汕头港口英文:shantou 汕头港口代码:CNSTO 所属国家中文:中国 所属国家英文:China 所属航线:中国航线 汕头港是中国华南地区对外贸易的重要口岸,是国家沿海25个重要港口之一。有150多年历史的老港,是中国最早对外开放的港口城市之一,至今已与世界61个国家和地区的285个港口有货物往来。汕头港现有7个港区,有500吨级以...
汕头港(英文全称:shantou 港口代码:CNSTO)地理位于经度:116.681972,纬度23.354091,是中国港口中的主要港口之一,中国港口航线的重要港口。 汕头港是中国华南地区对外贸易的重要口岸,是国家沿海25个重要港口之一。有150多年历史的老港,是中国最早对外开放的港口城市之一,至今已与世界61个国家和地区的285个港口有货物往来。
Shantou Shantow /(ˈʃænˈtaʊ)/ noun a port in SE China, in E Guangdong near the mouth of the Han River: became a treaty port in 1869. Pop: 1 356 000 (2005 est): Also called:Swatow Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins...
On a summer evening, as the sun gradually dips below the horizon, the oppressive heat of the day dissipates with the arrival of a gentle sea breeze, following the soothing coolness of the night. Boarding the ferry on Shantou's inner bay for a night cruise, the deep sound of the whistle...