Shanti's Mother is a character who is first mentioned in Disney's 1967 animated feature film, The Jungle Book and appears in its 2003 sequel, The Jungle Book 2. Shanti's mother is a warm and caring woman who is very devoted to her family and cares deeply
thus triggering her fear of the jungle and wild animals. However, as neither she nor her mother expressed any grief duringThe Jungle Book 2, it is possible
You might also catch sight of Dadong, Wayan's quiet but determined mother, who is often on site tending her beautiful gardens and generally lending a hand. Home The Team
Shanti英文名什么意思:Shanti [shan-ti]作为一个女孩的名字发音shan-TEE。它是印地安语的,而Shanti的意思是“和平的”。相关联:和平。 在梵文意味着“安静,和平,安宁”。 Shanti英文名寓意:安宁 Shanti情侣英文名:Santena桑特娜 、Santhiago桑蒂亚哥 、Santi桑蒂 、Santiaco桑蒂亚哥 、Santiago daniel桑地亚哥 、Sa...