Obviously, the detection thresholds will need to depend on the level of fading. Suppose that Hk is a stationary and ergodic process. It can then be shown that if the transmitter cannot adapt its coding and modulation, but the receiver can exactly track the fading, then the channel capacity ...
Thelogarithmicmeasureismoreconvenientforvariousreasons: 1.Itispracticallymoreuseful.Parametersofengineeringimportancesuchastime,bandwidth,number ofrelays,etc.,tendtovarylinearlywiththelogarithmofthenumberofpossibilities.Forexample, addingonerelaytoagroupdoublesthenumberofpossiblestatesoftherelays.Itadds1tothebase2 ...
If the system transmits n symbols per second it is natural to say that the channel has a capacity of 5n bits per second. This does not mean that the teletype channel will always be transmitting information at this rate — this is the maximum possible rate and whether or not the actual ...
to the engineering problem. The significant aspect is that the actual message is one selected from a set of possible messages. The system must be designed to operate for each possible selection, not just the one which will actually be chosen since this is unknown at the time of design. If...
. It is nearer to our intuitive feeling as to the proper measure. This is closely related to (1) since we intuitively measures entities by linear comparison with common standards. One feels, for example, that two punched cards should have twice the capacity of one for information storage, ...
2.Itisnearertoourintuitivefeelingastothepropermeasure.Thisiscloselyrelatedto(1)sincewein- tuitivelymeasuresentitiesbylinearcomparisonwithcommonstandards.Onefeels,forexample,that twopunchedcardsshouldhavetwicethecapacityofoneforinformationstorage,andtwoidentical ...
The rate of transmit the signal from the transmitting to the receiving transmission is then log . More precisely, the channel point. It may be a pair of wires, a coaxial cable, a band capacity may be defined as of radio frequencies, etc. During transmission, or at the receiving ...
Thelogarithmicmeasureismoreconvenientforvariousreasons: 1.Itispracticallymoreuseful.Parametersofengineeringimportancesuchastime,bandwidth,number ofrelays,etc.,tendtovarylinearlywiththelogarithmofthenumberofpossibilities.Forexample, addingonerelaytoagroupdoublesthenumberofpossiblestatesoftherelays.Itadds1tothebase2 ...