月生峰上月初生 【月】《唐韻》《集韻》《韻會》《正韻》魚厥切,音軏。《說文》闕也。太隂之精。《釋名》月,缺也,滿則缺也。《易·繫辭》隂陽之義配日月。《禮·祭義》月生於西。《公羊傳·莊二十五年註》月者,土地之精。《史記·天官書註》月者,隂精之宗。《淮南子·天文訓》水氣之精者爲月。又...
Du Yuesheng and Shanghai Civic Association 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 21 作者: H Bai 摘要: Shanghai Civic Association (SCA ) was an important bourgeois society which played a vital role in Shanghai political arena in the 1930' s. This article deals with the major activities that...
平仄:仄平平仄仄 韵脚:上三十六養 拼音: yuèshēngxī hǎishàng|shǎng 【月】《唐韻》《集韻》《韻會》《正韻》魚厥切,音軏。《說文》闕也。太隂之精。《釋名》月,缺也,滿則缺也。《易·繫辭》隂陽之義配日月。《禮·祭義》月生於西。《公羊傳·莊二十五年註》月者,土地之精。《史記·天官書註...
DU YUESHENG The Lord of ShanghaiHenry Moa
The Green Gang and the Guomindang State: Du Yuesheng and the Politics of Shanghai, 1927鈥 BG Martin 被引量: 10发表: 1995年 The Green Gang and the Guomindang State: Du Yuesheng and the politics of Shanghai, 1927-37. Discusses the role of Du Yuesheng's Green Gang during the regime of...
央视纪录片《云上的乐声2016》讲述4个孤独症的孩子在交响乐团中,通过音乐改变自己,得到尊重和尊严,他们不需要别人的同情和怜悯,从不把自己看作另类的孩子,而是与普通人一样热爱生活,快乐成长的故事。 央视纪录片《云上的乐声2016》 第一集 开启 2008年6月1日,曹小夏自发成立了专门为自闭症儿童普及音乐的民间组织...
This chapter describes how the leaders in Shanghai, particularly Du Yuesheng, sought to legitimize their activities and to integrate their gangster systems with the new political and economic structures developed by the Guomindang state. Du was a key broker between the French authorities in Shanghai...
杜月笙粮仓 杜月笙粮仓仓库位于南苏州路1295号,1902年建成完工。杜月笙粮仓是一幢三层砖木结构大楼,建筑立面构图完整,墙面为清水红砖与红砖组合,局部水泥饰面。上海商务中心
B. G. Martin, `The Green Gang and the Guomindang state: Du Yuesheng and the politics of Shanghai, 1927-37', J. Asian Stud., vol. 54, no. 1. pp. 64-92, Feb. 1995.Brian Martin."The Green Gang and theGuomindang State:Du Yuesheng and the Politics of Shanghai,1927-1937.". ...