Luxury hotels and resorts spanning key locations around the world. Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts offer exuberant service, a range of amenities, and stylish interiors which present an unforgettable experience.
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Island Shangri-La, Hong Kong An urban sanctuary on Hong Kong IslandLearn More 1/6 Elevated stays in Mainland China for you and the ones you cherish Jing An Shangri-La, Shanghai Idyllic luxury in a modern metropolisLearn More Jing An Shangri-La, Shanghai Idyllic luxury in a modern metropoli...
中国China>云南 Yunnan 酿酒葡萄: 味而多品丽珠西拉赤霞珠 酒款年份: 2019年 国内市场参考价: ¥暂无价格信息 酒款综述OVERVIEW 关于“酩悦轩尼诗阿东红葡萄酒(Moet Hennessy Adong Cru, Shangri-La, China) ”的酒款综述 这是一款来自中国云南的红葡萄酒,采用赤霞珠、西拉、味而多等酿造而成。
关于“霄岭红坡霞多丽干白葡萄酒(XiaoLing HongPo Chardonnay, Shangri-La, China) ”的酒款综述 这款白葡萄酒来自云南香格里拉的德钦产区,由声名鹊起的当地名庄——霄岭酒庄倾力打造。该酒香气精致细腻,烤面包、牛轧糖、芝麻糖和芥末的芳香飘然而出,青苹果、酸橙、碘和贝壳矿物质的气息交织其中,酒体饱满,酸度明...
Dan Sheng Di Sulu, Shangri-La, China 诞生地苏鲁红葡萄酒 点击次数:863 Loading zoom 酒款年份 2018 下一页 上一页 酒款类型: 红葡萄酒 酒庄: 产区: 中国China>云南 Yunnan 酿酒葡萄: 赤霞珠 酒款年份: 2018年 国内市场参考价: ¥暂无价格信息...
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Shangri-La, previously known as Zhongdian, is a small, primeval Tibetan town located 5-hours-drive north of Lijiang, Yunnan. In Tibetan,
Shangri-la | China Travel and Tourism PressUlysses Collective
21 Days Yunnan trekking with Golden Triangle cities: Shanghai-Lijiang-Shangri-La-Kunming-Xi’an-Beijing This 21-day tour combines the ‘must-see’ of China – the Golden Triangle cities with beautiful Yunnan Province with rich in ethnic customs. What stand out are the hiking along Tiger Leapin...