This article presents a case study of the development of a local cultural form – Shanghai Yueju – caught up in the rapid urban redevelopment of post-socialist China. Using Pierre Bourdieu's concepts of 'habitus' and 'distinction', it analyses the processes of the reformation of taste and ...
推荐工具 历史上的今天 日出日没时刻 狗年龄计算 猫年龄计算 领带打法大全 百家姓 年龄计算器 周公解梦 在线钢琴 对联大全 食谱大全 脑筋急转弯 绕口令大全 谜语大全 月亮圆缺 佛学大辞典 男友价格计算 女友价格计算 离婚计算器 IQ测试 京剧脸谱大全 中文电码查询 伊斯兰历 国家与地区 生肖属相查询 在线抽奖软件 中国...
一代越剧宗师徐玉兰今落葬上海福寿园 “天上掉下个林妹妹……”,4月27日,享年96岁的著名越剧表演艺术家、国家级非物质文化遗产传承人、越剧“徐派”艺术创始人徐玉兰落葬上海福寿园百合园。徐玉兰的亲属、生前好友、学生弟子等六十余人为她送行,缅怀一代徐派宗师。 众人送别一代越剧大师 徐玉兰的新居坐落于上海福寿园人文...
越剧,中国第二大剧种,被称为流传最广的地方剧种,发源于浙江峸州,发祥于上海,繁荣于全国,流传于世界。上海越剧折子戏专场将在豫园·海上梨园精彩上演,本次演出的剧目主要有《山河恋·送信》、范傅版《梁祝·楼台会》、《珍珠塔·赠塔》,一起来上海越剧折子戏专场演出现场欣赏这场越剧大戏,品味越剧的魅力吧! 查看...
1) Yueju Opera in Shanghai 上海越剧1. This article will get the history as clues,and combine with the theories to the text materials and some investigations to sort out the development of Yueju Opera in Shanghai. 本论文以“都市文化中的上海越剧”为题,将研究对象的范围限定在上海,时间以越剧...
Book Review onThe History of Yueju Opera上海戏剧刘厚生
The Singing Design in Yueju Opera The Female Prince Consort上海戏剧金良
This article presents a case study of the development of a local cultural form – Shanghai Yueju – caught up in the rapid urban redevelopment of post-socialist China. Using Pierre Bourdieu's concepts of 'habitus' and 'distinction', it analyses the processes of the reformation of taste and ...
ShanghaioperaYueJugenderperformativityThis paper illustrates the development of training and performativity in a Chinese regional opera form: the all-female Shanghai Yue Opera (YueJu). All-female YueJu is currently the second largest opera form, out of over 360 different opera genres, in China. ...