Yijia ( Shanghai Silk Group) Client Introduction Yijia is a haute couture brand is under Oriental International Enterprise. At present, Yijia has entered more than 20 boutique stores in Shanghai, and has successively owned 100+ stores in first-rier and second-tier cities across the country....
单位地址: 上海 上海市 Shanghai, China 固定电话: ()2164368173 未核实,仅供参考 采购: Henry 邮政编码: - 顺企®采购: 请卖家联系我 在线采购产品本页是 [Shanghai Yijia Garden Tools Co.,Ltd] 在顺企网黄页的介绍页,如果您是负责人并希望管理这家单位, 请免费注册,通过企业认证,便可完成绑定。可修改...
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No. 268 Xinzha Road, 人民廣場&南黃浦外灘, 上海, 上海, 中國 線上預訂 退房日期3月11日(週二) 查看空房情況與房價 1/37 Yijia Hotel 飯店 星級評等2星 住宿亮點 位於上海市中心 距離大眾運輸90公尺 (位於市中心) 其他重點設施服務 網路服務
Yijiahe Technology Co., Ltd. manufactures and distributes intelligent robots for energy industry. The firm has series of robot technology and products, which can provide a variety of intelligent products, intelligent service and system solutions for customers. It products can be used in the electric...
China: Shanghaimarket closed ¥ 29.37 603666 -1.16 -3.80% Feb 7, 2025 3:00 p.m. CST Delayed quote About Yijiahe Technology Co. Ltd. A Yijiahe Technology Co., Ltd. manufactures and distributes intelligent robots for energy industry. The firm has series of robot technology and products...
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通告24946:可试镜,上海宜家TVc拍摄需5-7岁女孩 宜家TVc拍摄需5-7岁女孩,漂亮,混血不要,4月初拍摄。 拍摄地:上海 报名及咨询微信:txmgcdl