SHANGHAI XIAFEI attend China Beauty Expo (CBE) from 9 th , July to 11 th , July, 2020. The latest ski... XIAFEI @ CHINA BEAUTY EXPO(CBE),2020 XIAFEI took part in this year`s China Beauty Expo (CBE) from 20 May to 22 May 2019. Three(3) days of ... ...
上海霞飞化妆品有限公司 SHANGHAI XIAFEI COSMETICS CO., LTD TEL:021-58382288 Address: No.4308 Chuansha Road,Pu dong New District,Shanghai,China 版权所有:SHANGHAI XIAFEI COSMETICS CO., LTD 沪ICP备19045070号-3...
Xiafei took part in the 26th China Beauty Expo (CBE), which held at Shanghai New International Expo Center from 12th May to 14th May, 2021. We showed the latest products of makeup,perfume and skin care to public. 3D silicone lipstick & powder, Liquid eye shadow and Liquid colored eyeli...
上海霞飞化妆品有限公司 SHANGHAI XIAFEI COSMETICS CO., LTD TEL:021-58382288 Address: No.4308 Chuansha Road,Pu dong New District,Shanghai,China 版权所有:SHANGHAI XIAFEI COSMETICS CO., LTD 沪ICP备19045070号-3...
Shanghai Xia Fei CosmeticsR&D team of experienced chemists is a development partner that presents product, packaging and support service ‘innovations’ that continually surprise and delight customers by solving problems, exceeding expectations and transforming beauty concepts into reality. What differentiates...
Welcome to the Official Website of Shanghai Jofee Pump Industry Co., Ltd.! Service Hotline:021-51863888 Hire a sales managerClick to see more 提醒x 您的浏览器版本过低或该浏览器不支持,可能导致网站不能正常运行 为了您能正常使用网站功能,建议使用一下浏览器: ...
Shanghai Xia Fei Cosmetics Co., ltd established at 1985, located in Pudong district, Shanghai with 25,000 square meters of production buildings and warehouse. The company has served international customers for over 15 years. The major customers are in North America, Europe and East/Southeast Asi...
About Us Warehouse Managment
上海霞飞化妆品有限公司 SHANGHAI XIAFEI COSMETICS CO., LTD TEL:021-58382288 Address: No.4308 Chuansha Road,Pu dong New District,Shanghai,China 版权所有:SHANGHAI XIAFEI COSMETICS CO., LTD 沪ICP备19045070号-3...