Qiyuan Packaging (Shanghai) company limited has 30 years experience in packaging filed. We specializing in providing various providing various packaging products with customprinting. Such as plastic packaging, which include water bag, stand up pouch, spout pouch, snack packaging bag, packaging roll fi...
Qiyuan Packaging (Shanghai) company limited has 30 years experience in packaging filed. We specializing in providing various packaging products with custom printing. Such as plastic packaging, which include water bag, stand up pouch, spout pouch, snack p
企源科技 NEEQ:833132 上海企源科技股份有限公司 Shanghai Qiyuan Technology Co.,Ltd 年度报告 2018 1 公司年度大事记 1,2018 年 1 月,西交利物浦大学执行校长席酉民与 AMT 董事长孔祥云签署战略合作备 忘录,AMT 与西交利物浦大学合办产金融合学院,开设供应链管理专业,并已于 2019 年正 式招生. 2,2018 年 ...
Qiyuan Packaging (shanghai) Co.,ltd. - China plastic water bottles, food packaging bags manufacturer on Global Sources.
Anzhun Qiyuan Techology(Shanghai) Co.,Ltd. Currently has established a safety research center for intelligent networking vehicles (chassis domain, power domain, body domain, cabin domain, safety domain), an innovation center for automotive basic software integration solutions based on the AUTOSAR plat...
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Business Scope :pharma Industry Locations :no 1 qiyuan str., wangyuan industrial area, 750001, yinchuan, ningxia, china Info: qiyuan pharma is mainly concentrated on the manufacturing of active pharmaceutical ingredients (apis) including erythromycin base, erythromycin thiocyanate, tetracycline hydrochloride...
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