Shanghai Jishanjinjie Industrial Technology Co., Ltd. Providing high precision CNC parts and assembly components.EXPLORE Product & Services Customized Die/Mold Components Stamping Die & Plastic Injection Mold Carbide Products Jigs and Fixtures Standard Components ...
HomeProduction Equipment Production EquipmentSurface & Heat Treatment Precision Sodick Electrical Discharge Wire-Cut (Oil) Brand:SODICK CNC Wire-Cut(Oil) AP250L / AP200L Shape Precision:±1um Pitch Precision:±1um ≦ 200mm Qty:4 Precision SEIbu SUPER MM Electrical Discharge Wire-Cut ...
The diversified total solution here for you. HomeProduct BUSINESS SCOPE Customized Die/Mold ComponentsCarbide ProductsStandard ComponentsStamping Die & Plastic Injection MoldJigs and FixturesPrecision Machining Parts & Assembly PG Die components WEDM Die components ...
NoEquipment nameEffective dimensionsMax temperatureManufactory region 1Vacuum quenching furnace (10 bar)600W*600H*900L1,300℃JAPAN 2Vacuum nitriding furnace furnace700W*650H*1100L700℃JAPAN 3Vacuum tempering furnace600W*600H*900L700℃CHINA 4Partial vacuum quenching furnace(Well type)Φ950*1500H1,100...
Inspection Equipment LIST NoEquipment nameBrandType No.Detection rangeAccuracyQty 13D CMM(CoordinateMeasuring Machine)EROWAHEXAGON600*500*400(mm)±2um6 22D precision inspection equipment / Height gaugeTRIMOSMT600MA0-600(mm)±2 μm1 3NEXIV CNC video measuring systemsNIKONVMZ-R3020300*200*200(mm)...
BUSINESS SCOPE Customized Die/Mold Components Carbide Products Standard Components Stamping Die & Plastic Injection Mold Jigs and Fixtures Precision Machining Parts & Assembly Jigs and Fixtures Jigs and Fixtures© 2019 上海吉山劲捷 版权所有 沪ICP备19008740号-1 ...
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闵行浦锦街道天气预报40天 2025年03月07日 星期五 乙巳年二月初八 今日天气:浦锦街道,晴,气温5℃~10,北风2级,当前温度6℃。 天气预报 一周天气 10天天气 15天天气 30天天气 40天天气 03月07日 今天 晴 5~10℃ 03月08日 明天 晴转多云 5~13℃ 03月09日 后天 阴转小雨 8~13℃ 03月10...